You guys – I went to some stores this weekend! I was in Michael’s for about 4 minutes before the crowds (checkout line snaking throughout the store, people literally pushing by) drove me away. Fair, it’s the weekend before Valentine’s Day and the little kids need to make some Valentines to sneeze on and give to their teachers. We retreated to Staples and I picked up the tape I was going to buy in Michael’s. We also spent about 15 minutes in Barnes and Noble.
I double-masked for the first time, having purchased some possibly-genuine K95s from the Internet and thankfully it was not twice as bad as wearing just one mask. It was SO NICE to just be out there again, even though things are clearly not normal.
I can’t wait for normal.
I did not watch the Super Bowl because I wasn’t interested in it. I wish more people realized that they are not required to watch the Super Bowl each year, because Twitter was nothing but people grumping all about the Super Bowl. Ya don’t like Tom Brady? Maybe … don’t watch him. Don’t know who The Weeknd is? Look him up and try not to become the grumpy old people that we didn’t like when we were young.
Onto the books! I use the Goodreads rating system, which is:
- One star: did not like it
- Two stars: it was ok
- Three stars: liked it
- Four stars: really liked it
- Five stars: it was amazing
Thoughts of Dog – Matt Nelson
I follow Thoughts of Dog and Dog Rates on Twitter. If you are a person like me, who overlays human emotions and feelings onto your dogs and create little voices and personalities for them, this book is for you. It is simply a book written in the voice of Internet Dog and it’s filled with love and devotion. I cried at the mailman chapter.
Five stars, took 10 minutes to read.
Winter in Paradise – Elin Hilderbrand
Another book set on Nantuck—whaaa? St. John?? Whoa! That’s fine. The temperature has been in the twenties this week so I’m here for island escapism. Irene Steele’s life is miserable in that lovely privileged way that I seem to enjoy: she’s has quite enough money, her sons are grown and ignore her, her husband is always away on business but knows how to phone it in, her job is phasing her out because she’s in her fifties. AND THEN she gets a call that her husband died when the private helicopter he and his girlfriend were in were struck by lightning in St. John. Turns out he owns a multi-million-dollar hidden love villa with a gorgeous view on an island where everyone is friendly, the food is great, the water is warm, and grief is merely an inconvenience, really. It has all of the usual Hilderbrand traits (island food, hamfisted expository, miserable privileged people) but it was just what I needed. I will continue with this trilogy and dream of sand and water and the best widowhood ever!
Three stars and I’m glad Russ is dead.
Children of Blood and Bone – Tomi Adeyemi
The king of Orïsha thought that by slaughtering the maji and oppressing their descendants he could rid his country of magic. Think again! This is the journey of Zélie, the only girl who can bring magic back to Orïsha. With only her brother and the King’s rebellious daughter to accompany her, Zélie has to recover artifacts before the next moon or else the magic will disappear forever. This book has so much world-building and I love reading fantasy books that aren’t typical “elf slays orc and saves buxom sorceress” lore. (She says as she’s 12 books into Discworld with no signs of stopping). There is a romance so awkwardly wedged into the book that I viscerally wanted to throw the book across the room. And then we made it to the ending, which … yes I knew it was a trilogy going in but I do like at least a little plot wrap-up in volume one.
Three stars, meaning I liked it but I’m not sure I’ll continue the trilogy. Trigger warnings for violence, violence, death, violence, burning, lynching, torture, and violence, with the barest hints of rape tossed in for fun.
Fierce, Free, and Full of Fire: The Guide to Being Glorious You – Jen Hatmaker
Not my usual choice, but I’ve been feeling spiritually unmoored lately and since I do dip into the self-help genre from time to time I decided to check out this book by Jen Hatmaker, whom I’ve heard good things about. And this was good. Even thought some parts missed (am not a hard-loving Christian mama bear), most of it hit right where I needed it to. I did appreciate that she used SMART goals language to illustrate how to ask for help when needed. And I enjoyed this quote:
…so when “loving God” results in pain, exclusion, harm, or trauma to people, then we are absolutely doing the first part wrong. It is not God in error but us.
Because I’m very much into crunchy, love-everyone Jesus. After reading I did some googling and it turns out that she and her husband are divorcing but hey, I’m divorced too. Join the club, ma’am.
Three stars. Self help books are all very ‘take what you need, leave the rest’ for me.
Currently Reading: There is no God and He is Always With You by Brad Warner.
All of my book lists and reviews are on Goodreads.
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I felt the same about Children of Blood and Bone. Now it’s been so long since I read it that I’d probably have to re-read it to get back into the world if I want to read the second one, and I’m just not that interested right now. Unrelated, I’m heading to Barnes and Noble this weekend to get a book for my friend’s baby shower and I’M SO EXCITED (even if it’s only for 15 min)!
It was a magical 15 minutes. It was like the scene in every other chick flick where the main character goes to the store in the big city and has stars in her eyes.
i liked Children of Blood and Bone but it was such an ordeal that i didn’t end up continuing the series. didn’t care enough lol
Right? I’m glad I’m not alone. It was good but I’m fine with just one book.
Just laughed out loud at “and I’m glad Russ is dead.” ME TOO. I read the first two books in that trilogy in Februarys and it was so nice to imagine warmth and sun and islands. I read the third earlier and it was my least favorite. Coincidence? Maybe.
I went to HomeGoods this weekend and I loved it. It’s much less populated at the tip of the southern shore. I’m happy about that. I’ll be getting out more. I also got the N95 from the internets.
I think it was your review of the third Winter in Paradise installment that finally pushed me into reading the first.
I can’t wait for things to get back to normal as well…
I’ve read one of Jen Hatmaker’s books a few years ago and I really enjoyed it. She has a writing style that is humorous while also getting her point across without being trite or annoying.
I really enjoyed it! It was a good surprise.
I am definitely NOT Jen Hatmaker’s target audience, but I read one of her books a few years ago. I didn’t hate it but there was a lot I could not relate to (independent of me not be Christian) so that definitely influenced my willingness to try anything else from her.
I sort of don’t know what got into me. Next thing I’ll be reading Rachel Hollis! (nah.)
Oh I loved Children of Blood and Bone and hopped right into the 2nd one. Anxiously waiting for the third installment now. The Winter series is fun. Hope you’ll read the other two!
Oh, I’m hooked on the Winter series.
I enjoyed that series from Hilderbrand. I laughed when you said you were glad Russ is dead. I had similar sentiments. I have one of Jen Hatmakers books on my TBR. I have to be in the right mood to receive books like that. I haven’t been inside many places this past year, with the exception of two. We have been lucky enough to be able to work from home and pulled my daughter out of daycare. I think we are going to start slowly transitioning back a little. At least widen our trust bubble slightly (right now its basically no one outside the house) and I do want to send my daughter back to school in August. For my sanity, and hers. Working full time with her has been rough this year! I am so ready for some things to return to some form of normalcy.
I think all of *this* is sending me careening toward self-help/inspirational books. And I could not imagine having a small kid at home through all of this. Hats off to you for still having the wherewithal to string words together on a blog.
Thoughts of Dog sounds adorable!!! I half watched the super bowl because my family had it on. But yeah, I don’t know why people watch if they really don’t have to and they don’t care to do anything but complain about it. hah
It was a stupid cute book! There are some years we watch the Super Bowl but skipping is fine. The ads are all on youtube anyway.
I’ve heard a lot about Children of Blood and Bone but I’m not sure it will be for me. I sort of watched the Superbowl, but that’s because I live in Kansas City and our team was playing–I’m not a big football fan though so I didn’t really pay attention.
Winter in Paradise without having to confront her cheating husband? Sounds like a win! Thanks for sharing and enjoy your month 🙂