This past Thursday I turned 52 years old. To celebrate, over the last few days I… And tonight I’m off to the Phillies game. Not a bad deal! Looking ahead at 52 requires a look back at 51. It wasn’t…
Wordless Wednesday 2024: Week 36
Two summer LEGO projects
Rabbit rabbit! September sucks! Around our anniversary, WM bought me 2 LEGO kits I’d been low-key wanting: the Polaroid OneStep camera (#21345) and the Retro Radio (#10334). They were for rainy summer Fridays and this summer certainly did deliver with…
Friday 5: GOAT
Happy Friday, which is also National Beach Day (I hardly was there this summer, booo) and National Grief Awareness Day and really, is there anybody who isn’t aware of grief? This has been a nutty week, with us returning from…
Wordless Wednesday 2024: Week 35
AI has it handled!
On Monday night there was a deluge of rain around dinnertime. We have a clear bird feeder on the outside of the kitchen window, and while the rain poured I noticed a very young and tired bird was taking refuge…