The race wasn’t called for Biden/Harris for four harrowing days post-election. The Biden/Harris team won the popular vote and the electoral vote; however, Trump and his minions are filing lawsuits in various states trying to cast doubts on the legitimacy…
Election Day 2020
It’s all come down to this day. I wrote and sent hundreds of postcards for downballot Democrats across the country. I donated money to political campaigns that I believed in. I texted with Victory 2020. The last wave of initial…
Postcards to Voters
As part of my evolution into baby activist, I have been writing with Postcards to Voters for over two years now. (I signed up in October 2018, which is another reason I’m happy I keep a blog.) And while we…
Covid-19 journal – October 2020
This isn’t a very fleshed out post, but I have to record that Donald Trump and a good number of influential Republicans have tested positive for Covid-19, just about a month out from the election. On one hand, it’s not…
So hey, it’s been a while. Haven’t felt like blogging. Here’s what I’ve been up to. (Clockwise from top left.) In light of recent current events on this dark timeline where we now have Supreme Court Justice Ragey McPrepbro —…
Families Belong Together – Philadelphia
When in the course of human events, you realize that current, government-sanctioned practices fly SQUARELY in the face of your idea that everyone should be Safe, Loved, and Warm, you get off your ass and go hollering. Which is how…
My Resist Kit
I mentioned before the steps that I am taking to become more involved. Two of those actions were phone calls and writing postcards. Here’s where I’m at… I’m still using the Action Checklist for Americans of Conscience to guide my…
Safe, loved, and warm in 2018
I promised myself on my birthday that I would do more to make sure my neighbors (here in NJ and in the USA) can be safe, loved and warm. Here’s how I’m trying to do that in 2018. 1. I…
Currently, exhausted homeowner edition
Reading Al Franken, Giant of the Senate. I’m enjoying his outsider’s perspective on running for a Senate seat and his experiences working in DC. I was inspired to switch my party affiliation to the Democrats, but then Donna Brazile had…
When I am an old woman I shall wear pink.
As of today, my presidential voting record is: Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Kerry (ugh), McCain, Obama, Clinton. And on the NJ side, I voted for Jon Corzine and then Chris Christie. Twice. Yep. So trust and believe that I am truly…
I didn’t vote for Donald Trump. It wasn’t just a party thing — I usually hop all over the place with voting* or a woman thing, although that would have been fantastic to see. I voted for the more experienced…
Stupid Beading Tricks: Earrings for Coworkers and Election Day woes.
Happy Election Day! We voted a little after 7am and then got coffee and a donut at Dunkin’ Donuts to celebrate. There was no line and we received no stickers. I have never received a sticker for voting. Eh, no…