Our home is a split level built in 1960. I’ve said this before but all of the people who swoon over mid-century modern (MCM) houses probably don’t live in real, unadulterated MCM homes. For example, in many of our rooms,…
Accountability – it’s electric!!
Friends, not only did I call the electrician on Monday, but I set up a time to get an estimate and that estimate was today! All we do now is give them a call back after we buy the ceiling…
Home improvement superhero – sorta
Our back screen door needed some help. The screen on the upper half had holes all through it. And no, not just the natural holes in the screen, extra holes. Larger holes. And three years ago, Murphy tore through the…
Friday 5: Food Court
Happy Friday, which is also National Gardening Day and National Ex-Spouse Day. Both of which I have. 🙂 I took off yesterday and today to bum around the house which turned into cleaning the yard, spraying weeds, and spontaneously painting…
Every Other Day of the Week is Fine, Yeah.
That was a fast-moving weekend. Sheesh. Saturday night our kitchen faucet sprung a leak. It has a retractable sprayer that pulls down from the faucet, and it was that flexible hose that began to spray water all over the place….
Our Adventureland bathroom
Once upon a time we had a lovely half-bathroom downstairs. And then we got a puppy! We decided that when we went to work we’d have him stay in the bathroom, because it was larger than a crate and he’d…
Currently, still exhausted homeowner edition
Reading: Gulp by Mary Roach. I’m at 86% and should be finishing up tomorrow. I’m at the gripping fecal transplant chapter. I’ll post this month’s batch of books on Tuesday. Watching: Hallmark Christmas movies! DIY-ing: Remember that IKEA table I…
Currently, exhausted homeowner edition
Reading Al Franken, Giant of the Senate. I’m enjoying his outsider’s perspective on running for a Senate seat and his experiences working in DC. I was inspired to switch my party affiliation to the Democrats, but then Donna Brazile had…
Currently, slacking edition
SLACKING on this blog. Seriously, Kim, get over your post-vacation funk and get it together. Painting my future craft room. Finally. I went to Lowes with the sunbeam paint swatch in hand. Dumped painting supplies in the cart. Wheeled it…
Reclaiming my shelves
Back in 2006, when I was a single lady with 2 cats and a cozy, girly apartment, I was given this lovely piece. (from this post) Long story short, the apartment was all white and I decided to get a…
Around the House
This summer all of the HGTV we’ve been watching finally began to stick, because we did quite a lot of work around the house. WM built a work bench for the garage. It’s spiffy. Next he built some above-window shelves…
Outdoor adventures
(rabbit rabbit!) Back before Murphy arrived, when our days looked like this… …we embarked on a few outside projects to make the house on Literary Lane sparkle. We purchased a powerwasher and WM washed the house. I did not realize…