Back in 2006, when I was a single lady with 2 cats and a cozy, girly apartment, I was given this lovely piece.

(from this post)
Long story short, the apartment was all white and I decided to get a bunch of red accessories to make it pop. And it did and it looked amazing and I will always be proud of what I built there.
And now it’s 11 years later and I am a married lady with a husband and 75 pounds of spaniels. We have a home that came painted a very warm gray and my tastes have changed. (there was also some compromise) I still have the red sofa – I’m blogging from it now!
I didn’t want to toss the red shelves because they were a gift that meant a lot to me. However, they didn’t match anything. I gently stored them in the garage until I could find a place for it.
But…I had a place. My house. If only there was a way to change something’s color…
It took many stinking coats of paint to cover the red.
I had one painting session dedicated to painting the fiddly floral scrollwork at the top. I had to get a special brush and all. I even replaced the hooks.
I’m so happy with how it turned out. I don’t know what I’ll actually put on it (dead pets have been moved elsewhere; see above re: compromise), but it looks fantastic in our dining room and it’s a callback to the little red and white apartment in the human filing cabinet that I once called home.