It’s time for the Friday 5! This week’s theme is The other shoe. Have a lovely weekend
Friday 5: Bother!
Happy Friday, and happy National Cabbage Day! I’m a little late getting to the blog today and I only have about a half hour until Movie Night (this week is Encino Man) so I’m hopping right to the Friday 5….
Friday 5: In the pit
Happy Friday! It’s the weekend and the Eagles are in the Super Bowl. And y’know, I’m not much of a football person and for years I actively hated the team but there are so many people who will be happy…
Friday 5: Ditto
Happy February! It’s going to be a great weekend. Why? Because I am going to move my greenhouse into the craft room and start some seeds inside while it’s still 20F/-6.6C outside. It’s part of my plan to make the…
Friday 5: Hero’s Journey
This week’s Friday 5 theme is Hero’s Journey. Happy Friday! Today is International Holocaust Awareness Day and National Chocolate Cake day, a very disparate pair of observances. But since I’m not doing that, this weekend’s obligations include the usual chores…
Friday 5: Now I lay me down
Hello and happy Friday and happy penguin awareness day. I’m off today, therefore we have a very on-time blog post. Had my mammogram on Tuesday and … yeah … I’m going to need a follow-up mammogram and ultrasound. Huzzah. We’ll…
Friday 5: The best the best the best the best of you
Happy Friday, friends! Although I just had a whack of time off for the holidays I am still sweetly grateful for the 3-day weekend ahead. My scintillating plans include finishing Spare, paying bills, cleaning my craphole of a garden table…
Friday 5: In with the old
Hello and huzzah from my sofa, where I am languishing with my third cold in three months. Lately I feel like if someone sneezes three houses down, I get sick. There’s some chatter in scientific circles about Covid possibly knocking…
Friday 5: Double Stuf
Happy Friday! I am off from work today and feeling peppy (for now) so let’s give the Friday 5 a quick whirl, shall we? This week’s theme is Double Stuf. While I enjoy Double Stuf Oreo, my preferred Oreo is…
Friday 5: Nice
Rabbit rabbit! It’s April 1 and with the exception of the author, this post is 100% fool-free. I am a last-minute call-up to go work TNP’s annual conference in Nashville next week. This weekend, your girl here needs to buy…
Friday 5: Twenty-four months
Hello and happy Friday. Wanna know what I did yesterday? I WENT TO THE OFFICE for the first time since my laptop was acting up in October! I took the train and sat in the mostly empty office and had…
Friday 5: Take me to the old playground
Happy Friday! It’s GORGEOUS here today. The weather inched into the low 70s. I took Murphy for a walk at lunchtime, and after work I planted garlic and lettuce outside! Tomorrow it’s supposed to rain. And Sunday we’re vernal equinoxing!…