Happy February! It’s going to be a great weekend. Why? Because I am going to move my greenhouse into the craft room and start some seeds inside while it’s still 20F/-6.6C outside. It’s part of my plan to make the…
Friday 5: Hero’s Journey
This week’s Friday 5 theme is Hero’s Journey. Happy Friday! Today is International Holocaust Awareness Day and National Chocolate Cake day, a very disparate pair of observances. But since I’m not doing that, this weekend’s obligations include the usual chores…
Friday 5: Now I lay me down
Hello and happy Friday and happy penguin awareness day. I’m off today, therefore we have a very on-time blog post. Had my mammogram on Tuesday and … yeah … I’m going to need a follow-up mammogram and ultrasound. Huzzah. We’ll…
Friday 5: The best the best the best the best of you
Happy Friday, friends! Although I just had a whack of time off for the holidays I am still sweetly grateful for the 3-day weekend ahead. My scintillating plans include finishing Spare, paying bills, cleaning my craphole of a garden table…
Friday 5: In with the old
Hello and huzzah from my sofa, where I am languishing with my third cold in three months. Lately I feel like if someone sneezes three houses down, I get sick. There’s some chatter in scientific circles about Covid possibly knocking…
Friday 5: Double Stuf
Happy Friday! I am off from work today and feeling peppy (for now) so let’s give the Friday 5 a quick whirl, shall we? This week’s theme is Double Stuf. While I enjoy Double Stuf Oreo, my preferred Oreo is…
Friday 5: Nice
Rabbit rabbit! It’s April 1 and with the exception of the author, this post is 100% fool-free. I am a last-minute call-up to go work TNP’s annual conference in Nashville next week. This weekend, your girl here needs to buy…
Friday 5: Twenty-four months
Hello and happy Friday. Wanna know what I did yesterday? I WENT TO THE OFFICE for the first time since my laptop was acting up in October! I took the train and sat in the mostly empty office and had…
Friday 5: Take me to the old playground
Happy Friday! It’s GORGEOUS here today. The weather inched into the low 70s. I took Murphy for a walk at lunchtime, and after work I planted garlic and lettuce outside! Tomorrow it’s supposed to rain. And Sunday we’re vernal equinoxing!…
Friday 5: Chocolate-covered mothballs: they always satisfy!
Happy Friday, friends, enemies, and everyone in between! I don’t actually think I have enemies. If I do, they’re very quiet and I appreciate the silent beef. Today I had a scheduled day off of work because I had a…
Friday 5: A rose in a fisted glove
Happy Friday! I told my coworkers today (via Teams, we’re still working from home until further notice) that this week seemed like it was six weeks long and I think I accomplished maybe 10% of what I needed to. In…
Friday 5: The full spectrum of human experience
It’s Friday! Huzzah! This week’s Friday 5 theme is The full spectrum of human experience and you can click on that link to dive deeper into that. As for me, it’s 15 minutes until movie night and I’m going to…