Happy Friday, friends!
Today is National Mail Order Catalog Day (I miss those) and National Fajita Day (I prefer tacos now.) I’ve had a mentally jangly few weeks for no explanation and I finally feel it ebbing. What’s been helping is going on walks with WM as he rehabs his knee. It’s been months since I’ve walked regularly and I HATE how correct it is that movement helps with mental health. Boo, hiss, why can’t I feel better by playing video games and snacking all day instead?

Here’s the Friday 5! This week’s theme is Career Day. Guest starring WM…
- What is an ideal career for someone who’s your exact opposite?
Me: Exact opposite of me: No intellectual curiosity, makes other people do the dirty work, hates the public, doesn’t care about people being safe, loved, warm. How about a national politician?
WM: Teaching. (ba dum tsss) - What do most people not know about your job?
Me: Non-profits can (and should!) make a profit. The difference is that the profit can’t be paid out to shareholders or individuals, other than reasonable compensation. It has to go toward reserves (savings) and investments toward fulfilling its mission. A non-profit that doesn’t make a profit will have no longevity or no way to survive mass societal changes. You can also work for a non-profit and not live in poverty.
WM: The emotional toil. Taking their failures personally. - Which stereotypes about people in your job are pretty close to accurate?
Me: “There’s an association for everything!” You’d be amazed.
WM: (stymied) - Which movie or TV series has a pretty good portrayal of your job?
Me: You know how nobody on the TV show Friends knew what Chandler does? Before I was promoted, my job was primarily software/data/reporting focused and nobody understood a thing.
WM: House, MD.
Me: (stymied) - Which wild animal would be best suited to doing your job?
Me: A horse. Friendly and hardworking
WM: A bee.
Me: …what even?
WM: Constant buzzing. Moving around doing bee-ly things.
How am I spending my fabulous Friday night? By not moving around and doing bee-ly things, I guess. I mowed the lawn after work then took a very good shower. I combed out all of the tangles I created by wearing my hair in a ponytail since last wash and trimmed the split ends. Scintillating, no?
I hope you have a great weekend and can tackle your own tangly tasks.
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