Oh my geez, it’s cliched but TGIF. I mentally limped toward the finish line this week. If you don’t mind, I’m skipping right to the Friday 5 this week. The theme is Happy hour and I’m here for that!

- During which specific hour of the day are you likeliest to be happy?
Weekdays: 8-9pm because that’s when sofa time with the dog and a book, craft, etc begins.; Weekends: the hour after I wakeup, because the day is still ahead of me and full of potential. - Which food-beverage pairings do you feel strongest about?
I enjoy beer with wings. I always want to have wine when I have spaghetti & clams. Diet Coke with a burger and fries. - Do you enjoy (or have you enjoyed) socializing with coworkers?
I really used to. I know it’s the thing now to say “oh I hate socializing with coworkers, I don’t even want anyone to say hello, etc” but there’s something to be said for some downtime with people you spend most of your days with, even if you don’t do it in person anymore. - When did you last try something different (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) to drink?
WELL, I just returned from having beer & wings with WM to celebrate his first paycheck since June. Some teachers aren’t paid through the summer. We’re much better with budgeting for that now than we ever were (plus he has side hustles) but having that first paycheck hit after missing two months feels good.
I like trying different beer to see which ones I enjoy the best (IPAs, Saisons). I’m even on Untappd. Tonight I had Tonewood Freshies. It was a good American Pale Ale that wasn’t too bitter and didn’t leave me sloppy drunk. - What’s your favorite way to unwind after a long day of doing whatever you do during the day?
I’m getting back into reading again, so reading, along with doing the daily NYT crossword puzzle usually during that 8-9pm hour. My current streak is 167 days.
I’m going to relax a bit so I can be alive for movie night tonight. Because my birthday was, er, recent, I got to pick the movies that went into the poll for tonight’s movie night. Looks like it’s going to be Grease 2, featuring the best bowling-themed song ever.
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I like your answer to #3–I like spending time outside of work with some of my fellow teachers; we have a rule that we can talk school for ten minutes.