Happy Friday, which is also National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day and National Donald Duck Day! I’m down with Donald Duck, but not so sure about the pie.
This week I was in Atlantic City from Monday morning until Wednesday afternoon and spent the last few days decompressing and catching up. The conference thing takes a lot out of me especially since my WFH days are spent with a dog.
I came home to the smoke and haze caused by fires around Quebec, Canada. The air smelled like a bonfire and the sky was hazy. We didn’t get it as bad as Philadelphia or New York did, but it was enough to make my chest tight and my throat hoarse. I ordered some air purifiers which really helped. Normally I wouldn’t have spent money on this but I have a feeling this won’t be the last time we’re dealing with terrible air quality caused by climate change. Hooray!
Today is much better.

Former President #45 was indicted by the Federal Justice Department on 37 counts yesterday (stolen classified documents), in addition to his existing 34 counts from the state of New York in March (shady business dealings to fund/promote the 2016 election). We’re still waiting on charges to come from the State of Georgia (attempts to overturn the 2020 election result).
The events of the last three have just been A Lot and I’m tired. I’m really, really tired.
On a brighter note, here’s the Friday 5 to provide a some reliable predictability to this hot mess. This week’s theme is: themeless. No theme. That wasn’t very predictable. Okay. Let’s go!
- What did you most recent affix a sticker to, and what was the sticker?
My Surface tablet with a sticker that says, “I’ve got 99 problems and anxiety is literally all of them.” That was even before the sky turned orange. - What are your favorite and least favorite songs about weather?
Favorite: Here Comes the Sun – a classic I listen to a few times a week.
Least Favorite: It’s not really about the weather but I do not like Thunder by Imagine Dragons. - What turned out to be a good idea?
Cutting down a magic mesh screen door to create a dog door for Murphy. He goes in and out at his leisure and I get to have a house without flies. - Which errands should you probably run this weekend?
Your girl is having her first routine colonoscopy on Wednesday, and I have to buy supplies for the Tuesday prep day. Chicken broth, apple juice, lemon jello, a 64 ounce bottle of lemon Gatorade, maybe some Rita’s lemon water ice, as well as Miralax and Dulcolax. I can have coffee without cream and I’m thankful for that. They’ll call on Tuesday with the appointment time on Wednesday. - What are your feelings about yogurt?
It’s one of my favorite breakfasts, as long as it’s not Greek yogurt. I don’t like the texture of Greek yogurt. It’s too solid and gelatinous. I buy vanilla, strawberry, or peach yogurt, and add bananas or blueberries or granola.
It’s 8:30pm on a Friday night and all I want to do is go to sleep. So maybe I’ll just go do that. I’ll leave you with a gift to celebrate Donald Duck Day.
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