Happy Friday! This was my last day of work before a week off, so I’m suitably chill. I’m a bit tired tonight so I’m going to hop right to this week’s Friday 5. The theme is Dear Old Golden Rule…
Friday 5: Nonstrosity
Happy Saturday! I was feeling under the weather for most of the week so I didn’t get to blogging when I wanted. But no more guilt about that. My blog, no advertisers, no rules! This morning I came downstairs and…
Friday 5: Payday
Hooray hooray for Friday! This week’s Friday 5 theme is Payday, and it is payday for both Russells today so huzzah for bill paying! 1. From whom did you receive your first real paycheck? After a lot of cash-only jobs…
Friday 5: I Don’t Get It Either
It’s the first day of Fall. Blah boo hiss weep. Not a lot to say today other than I worked from home for the first time in weeks and it was delightful. I usually work from home on Mondays but…
Friday 5: What Ails ‘Ya
Happy freaking Friday. Today WM got paid for the first time since June and thusly I am walking around like this: Or this: We did okay this summer budget-wise and would have completely aced it if it weren’t for Murphy’s…
Friday 5 on Sunday? Yes, Sunday.
Between a birthday week that was less-than*, and concerns over the biggest hurricane ever headed right toward Retired-Guy Land, FL, I’m glad to be in another calendar week. Here’s the Friday 5 that was supposed to be done on Friday,…
Friday 5 on Saturday: Five of Whatever
Happy, um, Saturday. I don’t know where yesterday went, other than after work WM and I went to Iron Hill Brewery for a lovely dinner. I had one beer (one!) and came home and snored on the sofa while we…
Friday 5: Homecoming
Happy Friday! Today was my last Summer Friday of the season. (Boooo!) And it rained most of the morning (BOOOO!) so no beach for me. Bah. Instead, we went to see The Hitman’s Bodyguard. It was okay. I went in…
Friday 5: Scattergories O
Happy Friday, dears. It was a good workweek, probably the most productive and accomplished I’ve had in a long while. It felt good. Young Murphy had his neuter on Tuesday, and the day after forking out all that cash, I…
Friday 5: In your head! In your head!
Happy Friday. Today was one of my Summer Fridays off from work AND it was sunny AND THINGS are mildly under control so for the first time this summer, I went to the beach. A few years ago I went…
Friday 5: Off balance
Happy Friday! Resolved: To start treating my body better, even when — no, ESPECIALLY WHEN — I’m under stress. I eat like crap and then I fall asleep early and wake up feeling like I never slept. I need better…
Sunday 5: Let’s get physical
One of the myriad reasons I’m not a book deal blogger is because if someone tells me not to blog something, I don’t. Otherwise I’d have so many delightful stories. Suffice it to say there’s been a bit of a…