Happy Friday! It’s been a heck of a week, but I’m off of work until July 10 so hooray for a little bit of sloth and self-care and a little bit of fun. Here is the Friday Five ON A…
Friday 5: Questions created very quickly late Friday morning and answered on Saturday
Oh, Internet. It’s been a week. A week of nonbloggable crap. It’ll get blogged eventually, but not yet. It’s not my story to tell. Plus I think the country is 1970s-level of broken right now, and I think it’s going…
Friday 5: Tiny gestures
Happy Friday! This is my first Summer Friday of the year! At TNP we can have every other Friday off during the summer as long as we make up the extra hours in advance. It is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. This morning I…
Friday 5: Straight no chaser
Happy June! Happy almost-summer! Sweet, sweet summer, my favorite time of year. Sunshine, corn, beer, and peaches for months. Bring it. (huffs Noxzema) We’re going to go to the NJ Renaissance Fair this weekend. Today looks like misery out, so…
Friday 5: MVP
Well hello there! You look great! It’s been a while! Last week I took my yearly Spring Business Trip to Las Vegas and brought Mom along. And then I got some sort of food poisoning (probably from my linguine and…
Friday 5: Guestimation
Another week in the book of Life. WM is still hobbled from the wicked fall he took at work, Ollie is still a Good Dog, and Murphy is still a Good Dog … in Training. I should be going outside…
Friday 5: Over/Under
Happy Saturday! Listen, like one of those little capsules you put in a glass of water which grows into a large sponge dinosaur or a penis, Murphy has soaked up all of my spare time. By Friday nights, WM, Ollie,…
Friday 5: Bizarro Cliché
Happy Friday! I’m blogging in between moving the lawn sprinkler around, because that is the person I’ve become. I’m also trying to keep my mind off of the stitches in my gum from yesterday’s third-to-last dental implant step. This is…
Friday 5: Gimme one reason
Random alley taken from my work shuttle. Only tangentially related to this post.[/caption]Oh, sweet, glorious weekend. By the time I got home from work yesterday I was calling myself Old Woman Russell. I hit the sofa with my Surface, opened…
Friday 5: Quarters
I’m so new to the blogging return that I almost forgot to post the Friday 5! This week’s theme is Quarters. 1. The first quarter of 2017 is now behind us. How has it been? Much better than I thought….
Friday 5: Food Me Once; Food Me Twice
Hello, refreshed blog! Let’s do a Friday 5! Remember those? I do! This week’s topic is “Food Me Once; Food Me Twice.” Speaking of which, I’m going back and cleaning up categories and tags. So far I have 55 posts…
Friday 5: How Do You Do That?
Look at me getting back in the blog swing of things! Sentences like this usually portend my dropping off the face of the earth for weeks again, but we’ll see. Currently I’m flopped on the sofa recovering from a very…