I’ve now read 37 books in 2017, tracking 6 books behind where I should be. Boo! Hiss! Do pamphlets count? If I had to fish for an excuse it’s this: I’m 15 months into a 16 month project at work…
Currently, post-cruise edition
Moping: Because this time last week I was getting ready for a cruise and now it’s OVER and where is my free food? Where are my palm trees? Where are the views like this? Aching: Because I left my anti-inflammatories…
Show us your books: October 2017
Up to 32/50 books read this year and now I’m only 6 books behind where I should be. This month’s drop in reading volume was due to the fact that I got a new PC and that messed with how…
Rabbit rabbit! I can’t believe it’s October already. I’m sure the pumpkin spice cabal is pleased. I’ve been wearing sweats all weekend, because I’m … Freezing!: It starts dropping into the 50s and it’s like my body gives up. Sniffling:…
Friday 5: Payday
Hooray hooray for Friday! This week’s Friday 5 theme is Payday, and it is payday for both Russells today so huzzah for bill paying! 1. From whom did you receive your first real paycheck? After a lot of cash-only jobs…
Eating: Martha Stewart’s Snickerdoodle Crumb Bars. I had the ingredients on-hand today so I figured what the heck. They are tasty, but I had to bake them 15 minutes more than the recipe indicated for the middle to bake completely….
Show us your books: September 2017
So far I’ve read 27 books this year, which SOUND fantastic until you realize I’m 7 books behind schedule for reading my goal of 50 books. Boo! This summer has been … problematic … but I’m getting back into the…
Reading catchup
Thanks to my 30-minute train commute each way and my lazy, lazy ass, I read 48 books in 2016. The longest book I read was Ron Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton. It was a nice cherry on top of my Hamilton-fixation sundae…
How to be a Woman book review
How to Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran My rating: 4 of 5 stars I really freaking liked this book, which is a light commentary on feminism framed around events in Moran’s life as she ages from 13 to 35…
Alexander Hamilton book review
Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow My rating: 4 of 5 stars I, like many, am caught up in the giant swirl of love for the musical “Hamilton.”After listening to the soundtrack dozens of times, I was ready to dive into…
Easter Sunday
Happy Easter! This weekend zoomed by in a puff of flour. I spent yesterday baking Easter bread and ham pies with mom…and then gave them all away, like the magnanimous person I am. Or rather, the person who would eat…
February update
Hello, lovelies! I was going to quietly sunset this blog after the last post but UGH I miss it too much. So you’re stuck with sporadic updates until I die or retire and can’t afford hosting, I guess. Today is…