Home improvement superhero – sorta
Our back screen door needed some help. The screen on the upper half had holes all through it. And no, not just the natural holes in the screen, extra holes. Larger holes. And three years ago, Murphy tore through the…
Wordless Wednesday 2023 WK 18
Wordless Wednesday 2023 wk 12
Wordless Wednesday 2023 WK7
Friday 5: In the pit
Happy Friday! It’s the weekend and the Eagles are in the Super Bowl. And y’know, I’m not much of a football person and for years I actively hated the team but there are so many people who will be happy…
Friday 5: Now I lay me down
Hello and happy Friday and happy penguin awareness day. I’m off today, therefore we have a very on-time blog post. Had my mammogram on Tuesday and … yeah … I’m going to need a follow-up mammogram and ultrasound. Huzzah. We’ll…
Wordless Wednesday 2023 wk1
Catching up
Hey Kim! What’s been going on? Personally: In July I joined a gym, which announced its closing 6 weeks later. Then I joined another gym, which is still open. I go in 2-3 times a week and do a mix…
Return of the Murph
Young Murphy suffered an ACL injury around the time that Ollie died last summer. (August 2021 was something.) The veterinarian decided that since it was only partially torn, if we kept him calm (ha!) for a few months (what?) and…
Murphy is Five!
Today this noble knob known to all as Murphy Maximus Russell is 5 years old. He loves running, chewing, chicken nuggets and evening sofa snuggles. We love him and the noisy chaos he has brought to our ounce quiet home.
Virgo SZN. Yay.
Yeah, I’m still here, slowly picking up the daily rhythm again of chores and routine and limping through the rest of what was not a great August. The squirrels are stealing the large tomatoes from my garden while they’re still…