Happy Friday, which is also National Hairball Awareness Day, National Blueberry Pie Day, and Arbor Day! For some nonbloggable reasons, these last 2 weeks have been A LOT and I’m hoping to take this rainy weekend as a sign to…
Friday 5: Food Court
Happy Friday, which is also National Gardening Day and National Ex-Spouse Day. Both of which I have. 🙂 I took off yesterday and today to bum around the house which turned into cleaning the yard, spraying weeds, and spontaneously painting…
Friday 5: Assimilasian
Happy Friday, which is also Good Friday, National Coffee Cake Day, and National Beer Day. It’s been a pretty good week all told. The New Jersey Devils are going to the NHL playoffs and if they win on Saturday they’ll…
Friday 5: Backspace
Happy Friday and St. Patrick’s Day, which is also very coincidentally National Corned Beef and Cabbage Day. It’s the perfect day to check on my 23andMe account to see how Irish I actually am. I grew up believing I was…
Friday 5: Looking like a snack
Happy Friday, friends! I took today off of work to basically kick around and do nothing. It’s delightful. Here’s the Friday 5! This week’s theme is Looking like a snack. Right up my alley.
Friday 5: The other shoe
It’s time for the Friday 5! This week’s theme is The other shoe. Have a lovely weekend
Friday 5: Bother!
Happy Friday, and happy National Cabbage Day! I’m a little late getting to the blog today and I only have about a half hour until Movie Night (this week is Encino Man) so I’m hopping right to the Friday 5….
Friday 5: In the pit
Happy Friday! It’s the weekend and the Eagles are in the Super Bowl. And y’know, I’m not much of a football person and for years I actively hated the team but there are so many people who will be happy…
Friday 5: Ditto
Happy February! It’s going to be a great weekend. Why? Because I am going to move my greenhouse into the craft room and start some seeds inside while it’s still 20F/-6.6C outside. It’s part of my plan to make the…
Friday 5: Hero’s Journey
This week’s Friday 5 theme is Hero’s Journey. Happy Friday! Today is International Holocaust Awareness Day and National Chocolate Cake day, a very disparate pair of observances. But since I’m not doing that, this weekend’s obligations include the usual chores…
Friday 5: Now I lay me down
Hello and happy Friday and happy penguin awareness day. I’m off today, therefore we have a very on-time blog post. Had my mammogram on Tuesday and … yeah … I’m going to need a follow-up mammogram and ultrasound. Huzzah. We’ll…
Friday 5: The best the best the best the best of you
Happy Friday, friends! Although I just had a whack of time off for the holidays I am still sweetly grateful for the 3-day weekend ahead. My scintillating plans include finishing Spare, paying bills, cleaning my craphole of a garden table…