Happy Friday, which is also National Pharmacist Day (hello, BvP!) and National Marzipan Day. It is also the day I received my driver’s license in 1990. And my friend Brian Z’s birthday. I just returned home from giving blood. One…
Friday 5: Touch that dial
Happy Friday, which is also National Whipped Cream Day (I approve) and National Bird Day (cheep). INT. KIM’S OFFICE – DAYKIM RUSSELL, a nondescript 51 year old woman who doesn’t look a day over 49, sits at her desk composing…
Friday 5: Repetitively redundant
Happy Friday, which is also National Pepper Pot Day (but not Pepper Potts day), No Interruptions Day, and Tick Tock Day (but not TikTok day.) Most importantly, it is day four of what we here call Sloth Week – a…
Friday 5: The other shoe
Happy Friday, which is also National Date Nut Bread Day and Forefathers Day. And that’s it. Usually there are 6-8 “National Days” each Friday and I have to narrow it down to two for the blog. I guess no PR…
Friday 5: Go
Happy Friday, which is also National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day, National Wear Your Pearls Day, and my Aunt Carol’s birthday. I had a half-day today, because WM and I went to see a matinee of a Very Philly Christmas at…
Friday 5: Relish the Thought
Better late than never! Yesterday was Friday, December first, also known as World Aids Day and Antarctica Day. (Right now Antarctica is experiencing Midnight Sun!) And it was also my brother’s birthday. Forty-four years ago yesterday my life changed, mostly…
Friday 5: I want the fairy tale
Happy Friday, which is also You’re Welcomegiving Day (truly the silliest one I’ve seen while compiling this list each week), National Native American Heritage Day, and Buy Nothing Day. Which, sigh. If you want to stay home today, stay home….
Friday 5: Roll the bones
Happy Friday, which is also National Homemade Bread Day and, fittingly, National Butter Day. I wonder if they planned that. We are a multi-butter household. WM prefers Country Crock spread, and I prefer Kerrygold in a butter bell on the…
When it’s time to change, you’ve got to rearrange
Wow! Hello! Happy Friday! It’s been a hot minute. Here’s a catchup: My knee is at 95% and is giving me no trouble aside from a pang every once in a while. I’m fortunate to have a job where I…
Friday 5: Lessons
Happy Friday, which is also National Breadstick Day and National Black Cat Day. I had a black cat for about a month waaayyy back when I was married to BvP and we were still in the apartment. We named him…
friday 5: capitalizing on opportunity
Hello and happy Friday! It is also National No Bra Day (I celebrate that most days) and National Yorkshire Pudding Day. It’s also the day that Murphy somehow broke/loosened his front tooth. I think he chased a critter across the…
Friday 5: Boo!
Happy Friday! I *could* say that it’s also National Orange Wine Day (wha?) or National Chocolate Covered Pretzel Day (mmm!) but nope. Today is the birthday of my sister-in-law, the lovely Kristen! She is a bright light and a joy…