Happy Friday! Today is National Deep Dish Pizza Day (yum!), National Read a Road Map Day (a good skill, highly recommend), and it would have been my 27th wedding anniversary, had I stayed married the first time.
It was also apparently Earthquake Day in the northeast. I was working this morning and the windows started to rattle. I thought it was a large truck driving down the street, but the shaking didn’t stop. I turned around and the hanging plants were swaying. I said to my coworker in Teams:

It was over by the time I realized it. This is the second one I’ve experienced and I’m really, truly over it. I don’t pay these crazy NJ taxes to deal with other regions’ natural disasters, y’know? Murphy failed at informing us that it was coming – one of the few dog superpowers he doesn’t possess. I’m also amused with how an earthquake that originated in NJ became a New York City earthquake. Only in New York, kids.

I started my second course of PT this morning and now my knee is grumpy. All of my joints feel like they are always one move away from giving up.
This week’s Friday 5 theme is Glad you’re going my way. It’s about cruises!
- How do you feel about ocean liner cruises?
I’ve been on four and I loved them all. People bust on cruises and cruisers but really should just let people live. Not everyone gets sick on cruises, and they are really a good value for your buck. - Among themed cruises listed at Theme Cruise Finder, which would you be most interested in booking, assuming you got to go free, and obligations (including work and family stuff) just worked themselves out?
I don’t see this on that site, but I would go on The New Kids on the Block cruise in a hot second, but I have nobody to go with and if I want to debase myself in front of my boy band crush, I’m not bringing my husband or my mother. - Among the same themed cruises, which are you least likely to book?
I think a political themed cruise (either side) would be hell on sea. - Letting your imagination run wild, what kind of themed cruise not currently in existence would you like to see?
WM: How about a Renaissance/Age of Exploration cruise where it takes two months to get where you’re going?
Me: Would scurvy be included?
WM: Scurvy is an additional cost. - What are some good songs about being on a boat?
Sloop John B is a lot of fun to sing along with but I’m partial to Lovely Cruise by Jimmy Buffet.
My post-Covid energy is finally 90% back to normal so I’m back on blogging track!
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Ha.I feel like you could throw a dart at the Jimmy Buffett discography and be prettty sure of hitting a song about being on a boat. 🙂
I lived for two years on an island with an active volcano and only experienced one earthquake that I knew of. It was quite a shaker, too. I woke up because my body was repeatedly banging on the wall my bed was against. Not really something you want to experience more than once.