Happy Friday, which is also National Macaroon Day (the one with two Os is the coconutty cookie), National Autonomous Vehicle Day (no, thank you), and Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Day. That’s the actual medical name for “Flesh Eating Disease” and NO. No no no no. Nope. Not observing that one. Just leave me with my macaroons.
Presented with a resigned sigh that this is who half the country thinks is one of the best presidents.

This isn’t even a political thing. This is him being a terrible businessman, just like he’s been for decades. He is the Oogie Boogie Man of businessmen – just a bunch of bugs and insects in an ill-fitting suit.
But I never thought he’d be convicted on all 34 charges. It took 12 normal people to do what three branches of government could not. I still think he’s going to win in November, because people are as charmed by him as they were by Tim Tebow.
Anyhoo, you all know where I stand on him and his clowncar of aiders and abettors. Let’s get this Friday 5 in the books. This week’s theme is Achtung, Baby! It was the name of a U2 album in the late 80s or early 90s so thanks to Rick Dees and the Weekly Top 40 I know that achtung means danger.

- What should people be careful about in your neighborhood?
It’s a pretty boring neighborhood. I’d say kids running into the street but the kids here are smart and don’t do that. I think it has to be crazy 50ish year old women chasing after the Mister Softee truck while writing their blog post. (Regular chocolate cone with chocolate jimmies.) - What’s a common pitfall for beginners in your field of work (or your most recent field of work)?
Possibly becoming too entangled with the Board and blurring Board obligations vs CSE (Chief Staff Executive) obligations, but a beginner wouldn’t be in that position. - When have you recently regretted not being as careful as you should?
I gashed my arm on the garden fencing last week. It’s healing but I could have been more careful. - Which is more stressful: the feeling your car is about to break down, or the feeling your computer is about to break down?
THE CAR. ALWAYS THE CAR. I can figure out what’s going on with a computer and I back everything up to multiple places, but cars are more expensive to fix. - Which warnings do you happily ignore with no apparent consequences so far?
I eat raw cookie dough and raw cake batter. First the big threat was about the raw eggs, and then it became about the raw flour. I will continue to eat raw cookie dough and raw cake batter until I die. If I die from eating cookie dough I will have no regrets.
But for now I’m going to finish this ice cream cone. Tomorrow is June – the best month!
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Cookie dough = brilliant answer!
I’d love to see the fatality number for cookie dough eaters. Or maybe I don’t.