Happy Friday, which is also National Pretzel Day (yum!), National Hairball Awareness Day (I don’t know how you could be unaware if you have a cat, but okay), and a day off from work. I have to burn through some PTO before June 30, so I’m taking a few Fridays off over the coming month. The work doesn’t go away and Mondays are not fun, but we’re not thinking about that until Sunday.

This morning I toured my new gym, Planet Fitness. PF’s Black Card program was less than what I was paying at Esporta, so I went all in. I get massage chairs and a tanning booth, which I am suspiciously eyeing. I haven’t tanned in almost 20 years and I honestly miss it every day. I might try it next winter when I’m sunstarved. It’s a bad idea, I KNOW it’s a bad idea, but I’m human and have bad ideas.
I also took Molly for a car wash after she successfully took another tank of gas. The ‘hit the fuel tank with a hammer‘ fix is still working and I’m so grateful for the Internet and its good ideas.
And then I set up my hammock for the season. Now I’m here blogging as Murphy dashes in and out of the house. I LOVE SPRING!
This week’s Friday 5 is Prego, which means “Please” or “You’re welcome” in Italian and is also a darn good jarred spaghetti sauce. Let’s gooooooooooooooooooo!
- Where do like to go for al fresco dining?
None of my people like to eat outside so I don’t usually eat outside. - When did you have to go somewhere incognito?
When I was working the TNP conference 2 weeks ago I often hid my staff badge and zipped a hoodie over my staff shirt so I could run to the bathroom without interruption. I like being helpful but when an errant sneeze can mean disaster, incognito mode is best. - Where can you see some interesting graffiti?
I’m not a fan of graffiti as art, probably because my grandmother’s house in Philly was tagged a few times. Don’t spray paint on things you don’t own. That even goes for Banksy. Murals are lovely, and Philadelphia has many. - What are some good Madonna songs?
The entire “I’m Breathless” album is fantastic. I also love “Cherish,” “Like a Prayer,” “La Isla Bonita,” and of course “Material Girl.” And “Like a Prayer.” - Which well-known adage would be a good motto for you in the coming month—or for your lifetime?
The worm turns. People you think are good and wholesome can change. So be careful.
Tomorrow I’m gardening. I LOVE SPRING!
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For the past year and a half, my daily drive-up music as I get to the office has been REO Speedwagon’s “Roll with the Changes,” which I think is like “the worm turns” with a little more optimism. 🙂 It’s been my motto these many months and I have to say rocking out to it as I get off the freeway and slide into the parking structure has really made my days better. Just roll with it, baby.
Also: Do you remember that very minor hit by Bourgeois-Tagg called “I Don’t Mind at All” (1987)? There’s this song from the same album called “Waiting for the Worm to Turn” that I just love. “We’re waiting for the worm to turn / we’re waiting for everybody else to come around / to our way of thinking…” Nice American synth-pop.