Happy Friday, which is also National Textiles Day, National Raspberry Popover Day (I hate raspberries) and another day off for me! I’m still slowly burning comp days from TNP’s conference, and lovely mid-spring days are perfect for that.
I’ve been a little productivity monster this week, at work and at home. It’s no secret to me that warm weather and sunshine energizes me and makes me want to work hard to justify my hammock time. I’m writing postcards to voters again! I renewed my car registration early! I made Murphy’s rabies shot appointment!

This week’s high: The gorgeously summerlike weather. The garden is growing, the hammock is out, and Murphy and I have once again returned to sitting outside after dinner.
This week’s low: My prescription plan does not like the daily inhaler I’ve had for 12+ years. It wanted me to pay over $250 for it and I was like, nooooooooo. So I messaged the doctor for an alternative that worked with my plan — and I named the plan — but the prescribed one that the plan completely flat out rejected. My current one is expiring shortly. So I guess I message them again like a doofus and literally name the ones I need?
I have some fun errands to run today, so let’s hop into the Friday 5. This week’s theme is up in my felines. Meow!

- When have you accidentally let the cat out of the bag?
I don’t think I ever have accidentally let the cat out of the bag. I have disclosed things to people to avoid awkward moments or emotional harm. - What recently did you think was the cat’s meow?
Our new mechanic is pretty nice and the service is fantastic. I’m ultimately happy we made the move, but still sad about the old mechanic. - When have you had to herd cats, and how did you do?
At the conference we deal with swarms of attendees who have just arrived and have no idea where to go. They’re not cats in the way that they’re difficult to deal with, but it can feel a little overwhelming, especially if you’ve never done it before. - Who’s your favorite fictional cat?
I’m going to let the nostalgia sway my vote toward Garfield. I was pretty into him as a younger person. I had some plush Garfields, some little rubber Garfield figures, a suction cup Garfield for my car, window clings, glasses, books, stationery, etc. I still have a small Odie plush. - What today are you most curious about?
What the decision is going to be in the Google Antitrust Trial (NYT gift link). I use Google all of the time and Gmail is the external storage for the parts of my life I don’t write about here. Nothing scandalous, just mentions of bills and car repairs, etc. But it is a monopoly or is it just the best? I don’t know!
And that’s it for me. This weekend’s going to be a bit gloomy, but Mom and I will be going to the Phillies Ladies Appreciation (mothers day coded) game Sunday Night. We’ll get free bucket hats. Hooray!
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