Happy Friday, which is also National Vietnam War Veterans Day (hi, Dad!), National Pita Day (not PITA), and Good Friday if you observe.
And as of Wednesday, I am Covid negative! Woohoo! This time was much easier than last time, but still worse than a cold. I’m slowwwwly getting my energy back, which is good because tomorrow is Easter Bread and Ham Pie baking day. I actually have one bread already baked and a shamelessly eaten a slice from it (Quality control) and I’ll do the other 2 tomorrow.
After years of trying to decipher my grandmother’s recipe, I turned to this Easter Bread recipe and it’s perfect. If you have a meat thermometer, 190 degrees Fahrenheit is what you’re aiming for. It takes me 30 minutes to get there instead of the recipe’s 25 minutes.
I think we are one, maybe two, days away from seeing our first tulips bloom.
Time for the Friday 5! This week’s theme is 2good2b4gotten. Let’s gooooooooooo!

- What are you 2 lazy 2 do this weekend?
I NEEED to shampoo my carpets (someday I will be a laminate girlie again) but it’s not happening this weekend. And it’s not that I’m lazy, but it’s just that I have other obligations. But this is a 3 day weekend for me so I COULD do it Monday but nah. - What was just 2 much this week?
We had a lot of rain and general dreariness. - What took 2 long 2day?
Work. I think 3/4 of staff were off, and it was slow. The day dragged. I’d complete a task and there were still HOURS to go. - What’s going 2 be much 2 fun 2morrow?
I haven’t baked in a long time, so I’m a little excited about digging in. - In what effort are you 2 legit 2 quit?
I am becoming REALLY good at the NYT Crossword puzzle.
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