Happy Friday, which is also National Yucatan Shrimp Day (odd, but okay), National Brother’s Day (I have one, it’s worked out okay), and my first Summer Friday of the summer of 2024! We are a week out from the beginning of June, my favorite month. I am the best version of myself in summer and I’m looking forward to this one.
The week’s losses include a bum stomach (warrants its own post), and the loss of so much money on Molly the Jeep. But she’s back and seems to be working okay. If we get under 3/4 a tank of gas and the check engine light does not come on we are GOLDEN.

The wins, though. The workweek was productive. The Jeep is back. The other Jeep passed inspection and the line was as short as I’ve ever seen it past the 20th of the month. I’ve been working outside in the mornings. The electrician was out. The garden is booming. Good good good! Good week.
We finally filled the final garden bed and tonight I’m planting the last few tomato plants and maybe some carrot seeds.
Let’s hit the Friday 5! This week’s theme is Cliche here to continue. Let’s go!
- If you are what you ate yesterday, what is your brain made of, what is your heart made of, and what’s coursing through your veins?
I mentioned my bum stomach, so if we go by what I ate yesterday, it’s a pretty bland body. My brain is yogurt, my heart is chicken and rice and I have water and mint tea coursing through my veins. Luckily I’m on the mend. - If television is the opiate of the masses, what might be the Narcan of the masses?
Summer activities. Festivals! Eating outside for fun instead of for survival! Outdoor concerts! The first strawberry of the harvest (eaten this morning, 10/10), the gentle waves of the oceans and lakes of the area. The hint of an ice cream truck’s signature tune from blocks away. Wake up! Summer is calling! - If everyone will be famous for 15 minutes starting sometime tomorrow, what will you be famous for?
Being the Kettle Korn Kween of Collingswood Mayfair. - If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, what might you consume daily to keep the psychoanalyst away?
On my birthday last year I realized I was not in a good way mentally, and I hadn’t been for a while. It had been a ridiculously tough 4 years for so many of us and I was not my best. If I am the best version of myself in the spring/summer, I’m the weakest, most watered-down version in fall/winter. I started a morning routine which includes a little journaling (sometimes here, sometimes in a Notepad file that I keep overwriting), a little movement, and a little quiet time before I log into work. It really helped me get feelings out in a healthy way without dumping them on those who care about me. - If music be the food of love, what be the drink?
Two people in love, driving down the highway in a fun-yet-impractical Jeep with the windows down and the cargo area full of garden soil, singing along at the top of their lungs to songs they love.
Have a lovely weekend. Have some kettle corn.
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