I’m highly editing this first paragraph on Saturday the 10th because I didn’t add my usual linking! The Duke flustered me, I guess. This week’s Friday 5 theme is: III III III III III. I am trying to understand the…
Friday 5: Obstacle Course
This week has completely flown. I feel like other than work, I have nothing to show for it. What have I done? Here’s a few trivial things: I moved my yoga practice to mornings instead of after work. I hate…
Friday 5: Twelve Months
HI! This post is dark and sad and angry, okay? So if that would upset you (looks at family) maybe you should come back in a few days when I post pictures of my little seedlings, okay? If you’re here…
Friday 5: Just Vegging
Happy Friday! Today is my half-birthday. Huzzah huzzah. I don’t celebrate it but I’ve mentally observed it since I was a kid. This year I marked it by going to the doctor’s office to have my left ear looked at…
Friday 5: A Clubhouse Ain’t Nothing but a Sandwich
Guess what I did today? I was supposed to receive the first jab last week but the winter storm postponed my appointment until today. Even though I did not jump the line (I have moderate asthma and of course the…
Friday 5: Big Game
It’s Super Bowl weekend! I will never stop laughing at how the NFL made a big stink about who can use the term Super Bowl to describe this weekend’s game, and as a result most brands can say The Big…
Friday 5: Sound Tracking
Happy Friday, friends! I cannot believe that this month is just about over. I’m pooped so let’s just go straight to the the Friday 5 – this week’s theme is Sound Tracking. What are you listening to?In addition to the…
Friday 5: Every Family Has One
It was a great week! The beginning was rough because who knew if President 45 was going to be on his best behavior and leave on time and without, you know, war. But he did. The inauguration filled me with…
Friday 5: A-M-Z
And happy 2021. Although I know it’s merely the tick of an arbitrary number, it’s nice to be at the beginning of the year and know that overall, it will improve month by month.* Today I am PLANNING. I have…
Friday 5: My Dreams They Aren’t as Empty as My Conscience Seems to Be
Happy Friday to all and happy completion of a full 5-day work week to me! It’s the little things. Here are the things that went RIGHT this week: I ate my planned lunch 4/5 times this week, just as I…
Friday 5: Ice Is Forming on the Tips of My Wings
Happy Friday and DAMN I’m tired. I think I’m getting a cold because I feel fuzzy in the head. So we’re going to get right to the Friday 5, and I’m going to hie to my sofa and quilts. This…
Friday 5: After ‘Im
Happy Friday! This time last week I was at Walt Disney World. Look at this magic! The fireworks started just as we came to the front of the line to have our picture taken. Gorgeous. SIGH. We left last Thursday…