Waiting for the shuttle outside of work a few nights ago, I overheard the following conversation. Mostly overheard, as I was trying not to get slaughtered at Words With Friends. (Didn’t work. Want an easy WwF win? I’m ladygypsy, naturally….
These boots are made for … me, 15 years ago.
This weekend I was at DSW looking for a pair of sensible black flats. Which depresses me to no end, because I love me some awesome, kicky, high-heeled shoes. Through my entire life, I’ve only liked two styles of shoes…”slipper”…
Don't fear the weeper
I don’t know exactly when it happened, but I am now a weeper. If I’m happy, I cry. If I’m scared, I cry. If I’m nervous, I cry. If I’m disappointed, I cry. And not the delicate handkerchief-to-corner-of-eye crying. I…
I'm okay, you're okay, Governor Corzine's okay! (long)
Apparently bellyaching works! I went to the audiologist yesterday with much trepidation and after being subjected to a cryptic series of beeps, she told me I was the same as last year. SAME AS LAST YEAR!!! I haven’t been this…
Hmm? What?
Permit me a moment or three to complain over what is most likely nothing. I’m off from work today – I’ve taken the day off to see a hearing doctor. (Hence the weird timestamp on this post. I fell asleep…
What the heck kind of mailing list am I on?
Back in January I received an AARP card. I received a second one at the beginning of March. Didn’t blog that one because my arthritis was flaring up. (rolls eyes) Today, among the stack of junk mail I received a…
Weekend roundup
It was quite a lovely weekend! (waits a few for the shock to die down) Friday I ended up going to happy hour with a group from work. I hadn’t gone in the longest time, and I had a ball….
Life hates me
This little beauty was in my mailbox this morning. Apparently, I’m not making “the most of life over 50.” AARP CARD!?!?! I called them this morning and asked to be removed from their list of evil fear-mongering.
From my Treo! Phoenix Business suit. Kicky heels. Shopping bag. Pumpkin spice latte. This is 34.
The answer
Why don’t people off themselves by age 75, depressed from watching people die? Because your kind authoress here forgot something quite important. Because we also watch people LIVE. Babies are born, kids grow, and we get to see the tired…
I could be Ma!?!?!
wherein Kim realizes she’s as old as…
Uncool: Shaving one’s legs
Second in a continuing (but probably sporadic) series of thing that I used to think were nifty, cool, the bees’ knees…but now? Notsomuch. Shaving one’s legs: Then: In Jr. High..we used to eye with envy the girls who shaved their…