My life, in a nutshell, since I spoke with you last:
- Went to a work-sponsored bowling party 2 weeks ago. It was fun. That’s me, bowling, courtesy of the timer on my camera. I’m wearing a NJ Devils (ugh…win today, guys! c’mon!) jersey and am still showing the exquisite graceful bowling form I had when I bowled Varsity in high school.
- Mom & I went to a Camden Riversharks game and had much fun.
- Chipper is now 14 lbs.
- A new truck for Baron vonPlaque! (who I may revert to calling Thor for brevity’s sake). It’s a Dodge Dakota SLT…
(flashback music)
Him: “It’s a Dodge Dakota SLT..”
Me: “SLT? Like Slut?”
Him: “No, Ess. Ell. Tee.”
Me: “Your truck’s a slut!” (giggles)
(end flashback music) - We tore out the shrubs in front of the porch and planted an itty bitty garden. See here for a before pic. We’ll have owned this house 2 years tomorrow!
- Britney! For the love of all that is good! Jeebus! Sweet Merciful Crap! Again? Gah! Gah! Why? WHY???
- Had a stomach bug. Missed 2 days of work, which sucks.
- Max was very attentive during that time. Plus, this is just a cute shot of him. (note to PETA-freaks: the door is being propped open by forces other than the dog. I do not exploit my dog by using him as a doorstop, though I will take advantage of him by letting him lick up spills from the floor)
- With help from the vermin attacking my digestive system, my total weight lost so far is 12.3 lbs!
Important stuff
Next Sunday, Max and I (Max does not know this yet) will be participating in the Camden County Arthritis walk. We’re going to do the 3-mile loop at Cooper River Park in Pennsauken, NJ, along with a bunch of my coworkers.
Why? Because arthritis has touched the life of one of my loved ones. It shouldn’t be seen as an inevitable problem that only old people have. Young folks get it too.
Whether you have a loved one who has trouble moving due to arthritis, or your concerned about that stiff achiness in your fingers that never goes away, or you haven’t been touch by arthritis at all, I urge you to help us all out by making a donation.
Be as cheap as you want! I picked the goal of $150 because $5.00 is a cheap and easy donation. I know I have over 30 readers. Easy-peasy.
So I put up a donation page in case any of you would rather spend that wrinkled $5 bill toward a cause better than Taco Bell’s bottom line.
Back to normal, self-centered mode
Mmm…Taco Bell. Darn, I’m hungry. Must be back to normal. Will be blogging more now that I’m totally fed up with landscaping work.