A tale of two creamers
A few weekends ago we needed coffee creamer, so we grabbed our usual brand from the usual spot at our usual store. That Monday I poured it into my coffee and took a giant glug before I noticed it was…
The weight of weight
This post is about my weight and health. If this isn’t your jam or will send you to dark places, please skip it. My parents and brother were always fit and trim. Mom was always moving, exercising, walking. Dad had…
Good and Meh 2023 wk 41
Good Things: Monday: Had my flu shot at CVS and my yearly skin check at the dermatologist. There are no spots of concern AND I must have looked fresh because he didn’t mention Botox this time!Thursday: The Phillies win the…
How I stopped destroying my nails
I have always, always been a nail-biter and cuticle-picker. You can tell from the scant photos of my fingers on the Internet because I have almost always hidden them when showing pictures of me holding something. I have not destroyed…
Friday 5: Be curious, not judgmental
Happy Friday, which is also National Take Your Dog to Work Day (in 2020 I brought my work home to my dog, who has now spent half of his life with people home all day every day), National Hydration Day,…
My first colonoscopy
As you can tell, I survived my colonoscopy! It didn’t hurt at all and it was very quick. If you’re an over-50 person or anyone who needs to have one done and are curious about it than do I have…
Wordless Wednesday 2023 WK 24
Sleepy Tuesday
Here’s a little lunchtime blog for you! My colonoscopy prep began with a few tiny laxatives taken before bed last night. My biggest worry was being hangry all day but after a very early (4am) and …eventful… morning I really…
Friday 5: Themeless
Happy Friday, which is also National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day and National Donald Duck Day! I’m down with Donald Duck, but not so sure about the pie. This week I was in Atlantic City from Monday morning until Wednesday afternoon…
Good news from the Third Rodeo!
I DO NOT NEED A BIOPSY! WOOOOO! I had my follow-up mammogram this morning and the new views revealed that the new spots are microcysts and calcifications similar to the ones biopsied in 2019. This is part and parcel of…
So about that mammogram…
Welp, I had my mammogram and ultrasound on Tuesday and I heard nothing on Wednesday and thought I was fine. And I heard nothing on Thursday and thought I was fine. I checked the patient portal first thing Friday morning…