Happy Sunday! Yesterday Mom and I had the honor of escorting Nephew A to an Easter Egg Hunt at Paws Discovery Farm. It was an all-day event and the staff replenished the eggs regularly, making for a bunch of thrilled…
Friday 5: Aroma
It was a bumpy readjustment coming back from Florida. On Monday, Dad and I ventured to Camp Holly for an airboat ride, which was JUST as amazing as it sounds! Camp Holly is pretty nice, with beer that flows, an…
Floridian Friday 5 on Saturday: Games People Play
Hello from RetiredLand, Florida! I’m here visiting with Dad for a bit, pretending that I’m retired, too. So far the weather’s been amazing by my standards, but chilly by Floridian standards. It snowed at home yesterday. I am SO SICK…
Friday 5: Dogs
Thursday’s post about World of Warcraft was auto-scheduled, and I’m glad because after YET ANOTHER school shooting on Wednesday, I wouldn’t have known what to write. Well, I know what has to be written, but that one’s going to take…
Friday 5: Rockit
Happy Saturday! I was going to write this last night but we watched the Olympics Opening Ceremonies instead. It was amazing and the five little kids who carried the artistic storyline were adorable! This weekend I have nothing planned but…
Friday 5: Groundhog Day
Happy Friday! I worked a full five-day workweek! Woooo! Go me and my white-collar self. I worked from home today with my snore of spaniels. I’ll be home Monday too. This work from home thing? Niiiiice. Yesterday at work we…
Friday 5: Returns
I think this was my first 5-day workweek of the year and I NAILED IT. I kid, I’m exhausted. Philadelphia is jacked up because the Eagles are going to the Super Bowl. I’m not a fan of the organization or…
Frozen Friday 5: Better cliches
It’s cold here. This is highly unacceptable and I am wearing a hat in my own living room. My rings are spinning around my shriveled fingers. The only reason my feet aren’t in misery is because they are underneath 3…
Friday 5: Makin’ it
From Tuesday’s post: …, but it’s Franken’s passion for doing what (he believes) is right that shines the brightest. Five stars, and I hope Franken serves Minnesota and the rest of us for as long as he wants. I can…
Friday 5: Dear Old Golden Rule Days
Happy Friday! This was my last day of work before a week off, so I’m suitably chill. I’m a bit tired tonight so I’m going to hop right to this week’s Friday 5. The theme is Dear Old Golden Rule…
Friday 5: Nonstrosity
Happy Saturday! I was feeling under the weather for most of the week so I didn’t get to blogging when I wanted. But no more guilt about that. My blog, no advertisers, no rules! This morning I came downstairs and…
Friday 5: Payday
Hooray hooray for Friday! This week’s Friday 5 theme is Payday, and it is payday for both Russells today so huzzah for bill paying! 1. From whom did you receive your first real paycheck? After a lot of cash-only jobs…