Happy Friday, which is also National Sticky Bun Day (mmm!) and National Grain-Free Day. I should tell Mom that, as she adheres to a gluten-free diet. Keeping it short today, as I’m freaking tired of sitting at a computer. One…
Friday 5: Step by Step
Happy Friday! It’s Valentine’s Day! It’s also National Cream Filled Chocolates Day (yes to all but raspberry), National Organ Donor Day (take it all, I won’t need it) and National Ferris Wheel Day. I LOVE Ferris Wheels and I hope…
Friday 5: The pompatus of love
Happy Friday, which is also National Periodic Table Day and National Fettuccine Alfredo Day. WM and I were talking not long ago about how neither us had any use for anything we learned in Chemistry class in our adult lives….
Friday 5: This week in the news
Happy Friday, which is National Classy Day (I try), National Bootlegger’s Day (the opposite of classy) and the Friday before a three day weekend. I had my second Shingles vaccine today and I’m hoping it goes a bit easier than…
Friday 5: On (a different) deck
Happy Friday, which is National Houseplant Appreciation Day (we do and we have the fungal gnats to prove it), and National Save the Eagles Day (I thought we did that already but you do you). It’s also the Friday marking…
Friday 5 on a Saturday: On Deck
Happy Saturday, which is also National Spaghetti Day (every day is spaghetti day in my book) and National Trivia Day (I approve!) and also it’s cold January day with a snowstorm possibly on the horizon for Monday. Back in the…
Friday 5: Wrapped, part 4
Happy Friday, which is National Fruitcake Day (I’m neutral, but I’ve never really had a homemade one. Maybe next year I’ll make one? and day two of what House Russell calls Sloth Week. It’s the week between Christmas and New…
Friday 10: Wrapped parts 2 and 3
Happy Friday, which is National Sangria Day (red, please), and National Go Caroling Day. I WOULD DO THAT IN A HEARTBEAT. With a group of course. Not just me. How does one get to go caroling? It was also the…
Friday 5: Wrapped, Part 1
Happy Friday, which is also National Microwave Oven Day, and National Gazpacho Day (I ate a lot of this when I lived closer to Wegmans). And no, we still don’t have a microwave. We don’t have the counter space and…
Friday 5: And the world laughs with you
Happy Friday, which is also National Cranberry Relish Day. I don’t recognize that photo at all because my preferred cranberry side comes in a can and has ridges on the side of it. I’ve been absent for a while. I…
Friday 5: Look who decided to show up
Rabbit rabbit! Happy Friday, which is also National Cinnamon Day (I like) and National Calzone Day (I also like). It’s also the day after Halloween. We had fewer kids visit this year; about 57 total. In prior years we used…
Friday 5: I’ve got a bad feeling about this
Happy Friday, which is also National Greasy Foods Day (why even? why are we like this) and Sourest Day, which was created to follow Sweetest Day. Sweetest Day is a holiday WM and I have been trying to add to…