Happy New Year! You know how every year I’m all “oh hey I’m going to take better care of myself?” And then the next year I’m all “oh hey I’m going to take better care of myself?” And then the…
A bookish year in review
Being December 30, and past the midpoint of Sloth Week, it’s as good a time as any to summarize this year’s reading. I have 2 books in progress, one of which will be done by the end of the year…
Christmas Roundup!
December was a sugar-coated whirlwind of activities that didn’t let up until the 26th, which begins WM and I lovingly call … Sloth Week. Schools are closed and TNP is closed until January 2. That leaves us here in the…
Show us your books — December 2018
And just like that, the end of the year is upon us. And just like that, the month flew by and I only read 2 books. Reach the goal and slack off, that’s how I roll. No biggie! (except for…
Holy crap I’ve been Gutenberged
It’s been a while. I know. I’m popping in here tonight to give an update on what’s been going on as well as to try WordPress 5.0, which changed up its whole writing experience with an editor called Gutenberg. I…
My dogs and this pillow
I bought the pillow to help decorate my spartan little apartment the year of my divorce. At the time you never could have convinced me all of the love that would eventually surround it. 2007 2016 2018