The first Wednesday of the month brings the Currently linkup with Anne In Residence. This month’s words are: eating, feeling, going, ordering, and realizing.
eating: veggies from the garden. So far we’ve harvested a lot of lettuce, a few bunches of radishes, and beets. The lettuce is finished until the fall when I’ll replant. I’ve been planting 6 radishes every other week and they’re providing a tasty addition to salad. AND I pulled my first bunch of beets today and I am elated. The first green bean plants are producing tiny beans, and the tomato plants have the tiniest tomatoes starting to grow.

feeling: Happy. With everything opening again, I’m happy. Summer outdoor concerts are opening again, some festivals are restarting, and I am just so thankful and grateful. I’m hoping and praying that people who refuse vaccinations eventually stop watching people trying to stick keys to their foreheads and listen to those who love them.
going: for more walks, because hoo boy I am more sedentary than I thought I was and I need to bring the energy level back up.
ordering: The dogs’ Heartgard medicine from Chewy’s pharmacy. I thought it would be easier, but my vet required I pick up the prescription and mail it to Chewy. The cost is cheaper though. I’m not sure I’ll keep doing it but it’s an experiment.
realizing: that I’m not going to finish the backyard ivy project until fall. About 1/3 of our yard was covered in ivy. Last spring we rolled some tarp over a lot of it with the intention of suffocating the ivy and planting grass there this year. However, the best time to plant grass is spring and fall and right now we are in neither of those seasons. I guess the tarp will remain a little longer.
Past Currentlys (Pastlys?): July 2021 | June 2021 | May 2021 | April 2021 (erroneously titled April 2020) | March 2021
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I am enjoying some of the typical summer activities that are happening again this year. It’s been nice to get out and about a bit more often.
I feel like this summer is going to be ‘extra’ for so many of us. Fingers crossed we get more shots in arms to keep Delta and future variants at bay, but that’s a worry for another blog post!
If I lived anywhere close to you, I’d come dig up that ivy and plant it in the blah spot along my driveway! Sort of like having curly hair but wishing for straight–and vice versa 🙂
Enjoy the garden bounty! Beets are my all-time favorite.
The curly/straight hair comparison is completely true! And beets RULE.
Your garden-grown veggies sound delicious! I particularly love tomatoes. So sorry about the hassle with the dog medicine, but hope it works out.
I gave Chewy a call and told them the prescription was finally in the mail so fingers crossed. I understand the office’s reluctance to make it easy, because my vet office is great and prescription meds are a good source of consistent revenue. I guess my lesson should be to shop local, even if it costs more.
Our garden is a little behind where yours are, but you’re getting me extra excited for when some veggies are ready! Enjoy the rest of summer 🙂
I felt the same when I saw people in the southern states with their fresh red tomatoes. Hang in there, Michigan! The harvest is coming!
Feeling happy!:) Isn’t that the nicest!? Summer always makes me happy but this summer, especially, has been happy! So grateful. And looking forward to the return of outdoor summer concerts here as well – later this month!
It’s a very good thing I don’t have regular access to a Cricut or else I’d have “SUMMER” vinyled all over the house.
I have a package of radish seeds which my MIL sent to my son in the spring. I am totally going to plant a few seeds every week because that is a BRILLIANT way to deal with them. My son loves radishes so will be THRILLED to have them all summer long!
And I like your term “Pastlys”! It’s very appropriate!!!
I hope your son loves it! I am far from a little kid, but to be honest having something to harvest regularly is very nice when you struggle with delayed gratification. And it’s just the two of us and we’re never going to be “let’s deal with this 75-radish harvest all at once” people.
I took a break from gardening this year. But sometimes now I wish I didn’t. Hope your green beans and tomatoes come in strong.
Thank you! It’s a lot of work. I see gardening blogs were people are like, “its so easy” and NO! It’s really a hot mess but worth it.
Oh I bet freshly grown veggies are the best… I wouldn’t know as every single time I have tried I have managed to kill everything (or bugs kill it or blight gets the tomatoes, etc). I enjoy buying fresh grown produce from local farms and growers though.
Last year it was all aphids and squirrels destroying my plants. I have my fingers crossed for this year. My ‘guard dogs’ are worthless when it comes to keeping the critters away.
I need to get more active as well! And your garden sounds wonderful!! Mine is coming along but my tomatoes are a mess! Lol.
I danced one dance on Just Dance Now online and I was winded but if I do one dance every day maybe it’ll start to work for me?
There’s nothing like food from the garden. I have planted containers, but nothing is coming up yet.
I ate a raw green bean today right from the plant today and it was soooo good.
My energy and activity levels are nil when I am not at the shore. Without a commute and a lot of walking around that, that has been hard to swallow.
I am tired of people not getting vaccinated.
Veggies from the garden sound awesome! I love gardening and spending time outdoors.
Sounds like you are having a lovely summer so far – enjoy.