Actually, you don’t need to beware. They’re pretty friendly and snuggly.
Ollie and Murphy are absolute pleasures to have around. And they are ALWAYS around

Ollie has had a coughing issue off and on for a year now. The cough will pick up and the vet will put him on a round of steroids. As soon as he tapers off, the cough returns. His heart and chest sound good (for 13.5) and after some back and forth, our vet (whom we love and who loves Ollie) okayed keeping him on a very low dose of the steroid. This has really improved his quality of life, and I’m not too worried about him being on them long term because….well. Yeah.
Murphy is my energetic little jellybean. He’s still very scampy but either we’ve become used to it or he grew out of it a little bit. He has been enjoying the warmer weather and sometimes when he comes inside from one of his zooms around the yard he smells like sunshine.
And this is the dog that got away. A 3 month old Jack Russell Terrier mix who would scratch my terrier itch AND color coordinate with Murphy. We applied for this puppy because the requirements included a fenced-in yard (check) and an energetic young dog to play with (triple-check). Plus, we’re both working from home for quite a while longer. And I guess life was too calm.

That little bent-back ear! I die! We never even received a ‘thank you for applying; however…” email from the rescue. (grumble)
It’s fine. I guess this means we’re low-key looking for a puppy?
Happy St. Patrick’s Day. I had a 23andMe spit test last year that proves I’m about 29.4% Irish (I mean, the maiden name of Dowd possibly gave that away) so celebrate we will. WM made homemade Irish Cream (recipe here via Blue Jean Chef) and tonight we’ll be having Guinness Stew and soda bread. There are benefits to both of us working from home. And the Dropkick Murphys are streaming tonight. I never went out on St. Patrick’s Day before but in 2022 I just might consider it.
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I have terrible luck with rescues. Ben is the only one that has come through. I have applied for so many dogs over the years. Meanwhile my dogs have the absolute freaking life.
Mae and Geege were both adopted but person to person not rescue.
We keep trying but we never have the secret sauce needed to be considered. Murphy came from Petfinder. Ollie came from a breeder after we were rejected by a few rescues.