WM is a huge fan of Indiana Jones. Submitted as evidence: Our costumes for Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party last October:
I’ve dressed up often for Halloween, but I have never received such favorable reactions as I did with those costumes. My top was from Old Navy (with some added trim), the pants are from Goodwill, and the monkey came from Amazon. (Site, not rainforest.)
Anyway, when WM found out that the Philadelphia Orchestra was going to play the score for Raiders of the Lost Ark while the movie played, did I really have choice? Of course I did. No, not really.
WM: You’ve never seen this movie, have you.
Me: Sure I did! There’s the boulder and the idol!
WM: You’ve never seen this movie, have you?
WM: That was the second one.
WM: (shakes head)
(I did see the whole movie, but I was 12 and forgot a lot of it.)
And that is how we found ourselves at the Kimmel Center on Saturday night with a bunch of Indy fans.
The Kimmel Center is an easy PATCO train ride from home. We were only 4 rows back from the orchestra and it was a fantastic show. The movie was much more fun to watch now than it was when I was 12. (Young Harrison Ford, omg.)
And it was also amazing watching the Philadelphia Orchestra at work. I played the violin for three miserable years, so I was in awe of the strings section.
By the time we got home we were tuckered out from our grown-up in-the-city date.
It’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage. 😉
Congrats on the new digs! I’ve already added it to my Feedly feed.
After 10+ years of reading, the new name will take some getting used to 😉