Wordless Wednesday 2024: Week 26
Wordless Wednesday 2024: Week 11
Words! Apologies for not having alt text yesterday – I posted from the mobile app and couldn’t find that function.
Wordless Wednesday 2024: Week 5
Wordless Wednesday 2023 WK 38
Wordless Wednesday 2023 WK 34
Wordless Wednesday 2023 WK 21
A trip to Philadelphia and three great things about working from home
Last Monday I went into the office to have my laptop looked at. It turns out all she needed as a blowout (as do I) but I thought going into Philly would be a fun diversion from the usual stay…
Opening Day!
I’ve only been to Phillies opening day once. It was back in the wild and woolly days of Vet Stadium and the “highlight” was Mom and I fleeing our section as people threw full cups of beer over our heads…
Talk therapy gone wrong
Me: I’m having a problem with how I react to a woman who obviously doesn’t work at my building, but takes the free shuttle to the building from City Hall. She’s older and has a cane and STILL I silently…
Snowflakes on Spring Garden
I hate winter, but I’ll miss these lights…
Holy crap I’ve been Gutenberged
It’s been a while. I know. I’m popping in here tonight to give an update on what’s been going on as well as to try WordPress 5.0, which changed up its whole writing experience with an editor called Gutenberg. I…