Happy Friday, which is also National Cranberry Relish Day. I don’t recognize that photo at all because my preferred cranberry side comes in a can and has ridges on the side of it. I’ve been absent for a while. I…
Wordless Wednesday 2024: Week 16
Friday 5: The Lou
Happy Friday, which is also National Almond Day (I like almonds – almond extract in place of vanilla extract in a cake or cookie recipe is amazing unless you’re feeding someone with an allergy), National Tartar Sauce Day (first Friday…
Friday 5: Twenty-four months
Hello and happy Friday. Wanna know what I did yesterday? I WENT TO THE OFFICE for the first time since my laptop was acting up in October! I took the train and sat in the mostly empty office and had…
What is a weekend?
As of today, I have been home for 15 days, with the exception of two car rides and one socially-distanced visit with Mom. I gave up giving up Facebook for Lent, because 1) everything is Lent now and 2) there…
Holy crap I’ve been Gutenberged
It’s been a while. I know. I’m popping in here tonight to give an update on what’s been going on as well as to try WordPress 5.0, which changed up its whole writing experience with an editor called Gutenberg. I…
Friday 5: The Whole Trial Is Out of Order!
Happy Friday 5 on a Saturday! This is a day late because … wait for it … I went out again last night. This time was happy hour with my mom and my aunt who is recently back from a…
Friday 5: Performance Evaluation
Hi! Time to get back into the swing of real-ish time blogging after a bunch of scheduled posts designed to mask the fact that we were in Seattle on vacation. (That lily? Died 3 weeks ago.) I used to liveblog…
Lynda, the Library, and me
The Big!Work!Project! which surely you are tired of hearing of by now involved new software, and a new-to-us way of writing reports. It’s Crystal Reports, which while it’s new-to-us, isn’t very new-to-me. I was using it over 10 years ago…
Las Vegas trip
This year Spring Business Trip took me to Las Vegas to exhibit at the AAPA meeting. And since Mom is now a retired lady with some free time on her hands, she came along for the ride! It was a…
Work from home Mondays
TNP (which isn’t new anymore but I’m too lazy to change pseudonyms) instituted a new policy where we are able to pick one day a week to work from home. We could pick Monday, Thursday, or Friday, which allows us…
Five years!
Today is my FIVE YEAR anniversary at TNP, which really isn’t The New Place at all anymore. Not so shabby for someone who thought she’d be fired before her first year was done. It’s a good place to work, and…