Hey Kim! What’s been going on? Personally: In July I joined a gym, which announced its closing 6 weeks later. Then I joined another gym, which is still open. I go in 2-3 times a week and do a mix…
WDW 2022 trip: What we did not like
There are 3 kinds of Disney Parks fans. The first group will never criticize a thing. The second group hates everything that has been added since 1980. The third group, the more centrist group, can love many things and still…
WDW 2022 trip: what we liked
We indeed made it to Walt Disney World and ooo what a balm to the soul it was, even with weird (and mostly justified) Covid-19 protocols. And most of the thrill was likely of the ‘holy crap we’re HERE!’ variety,…
Friday 5: After ‘Im
Happy Friday! This time last week I was at Walt Disney World. Look at this magic! The fireworks started just as we came to the front of the line to have our picture taken. Gorgeous. SIGH. We left last Thursday…
Mickey Mouse Chia Pet
Two years ago, Coworker D bought me a Mickey Mouse Chia pet for Christmas. I tried twice to get it to grow and failed. And then work got REALLY busy (the Big!Work!Project! that I will never stop mentioning!) and I…
Stupid Sewing Tricks: Mickey Mouse Pillow
You KNOW when I saw a Steamboat Willie remnant in the pile at Jo-Ann that I couldn’t walk on by, right? I aimed for an 18 inch square pillow and it ended up … not that. I have very real…
La Ratatouille
“Your last Christmas gift came!” WM exclaimed as I came home from work one day last week. He offered me a large, flat cardboard box. I opened it and smiled. He hung it up outside of the kitchen. For the…
Our Adventureland bathroom
Once upon a time we had a lovely half-bathroom downstairs. And then we got a puppy! We decided that when we went to work we’d have him stay in the bathroom, because it was larger than a crate and he’d…
Throwback Thursday: Disney forever
Again, the Disney thing isn’t all of my own doing. It just stuck with me harder than it stuck to my brother. This is 81 or 82, maybe. (I also now realize where my desire for a red sofa came…
Refreshing It's a Small World
Rabbit Rabbit! It’s a Small World is one of my favorite Walt Disney World attractions. I like the glitter-encrusted sets, the cute dolls, the catchy song and the last room, where all of the kids play together in a peaceful…
Walt Disney World: November 2014
After our Walt Disney World trip in spring, we were pretty bummed. You know what it’s like — you look forward to something for so long and then BOOM – all over. As a result, we decided to embrace our…
One more thing about the MagicBands
I forgot to put this in the WDW review post, and that one’s already long. Here is what the MagicBand looked like on my wrist from the top: Kind of okay, right? But here is what it looked like from…