From my Treo! Jesus loves me! (trembles with adoration) Can you believe this? Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate Sauce!
Home at last!
From my Treo! Home at last! We’re at the Philadelphia airport waiting for a shuttle to take us home. Thank you for following us on our cross-country journey. The last batch of pics should be up in my Flickr stream…
Jamba Juice
From my Treo! Jamba juice! They don’t have these in NJ. We’re winding down in the 90+ degree heat. Heading toward the airport at 4:30. I plan on spending money on one of those neck pillows so I can sleep…
Anaheim – last day
From my Treo! Anaheim – last day Last day…leaving for the airport at 4:30ish. But couldn’t leave without seeing Small World!
Anaheim Angels win!
From my Treo! anaheim angels – fireworks …you may hear…angels sing because we’re together… (love sinatra!) the angels beat tampa bay 4-0. Fireworks after the game. Hotel after fireworks. Drinks after hotel? >:-)
Anaheim Angels Stadium
From my Treo! Angels stadium Over an hour driving back from hollywood…game time is 7:05pm. I’m starting to get a nice tan. Angels stadium is pretty nice. There is a rock formation with fountains over the home run fence in…