(apologies to feedreader people…having WordPress issues for the first time EVER tonight.)
Well gee whiz that election post was …fun … wasn’t it? Let’s get back to more…um…stupid things to talk about.
NaNoWriMo update!

My NaNoWriMo setup
I cranked out over 2700 words tonight and earned my first green box on my NaNoWriMo Progress Report. And I’m only on plot point 6 of the fourteen that I’ve written out. That doesn’t count the 6 or so I need after that in order for my intrepid amateur sleuths to solve the damn murder. Want to know whodunit? Highlight below.
A crazed widow who used to patronize the coffeeshop with her late husband is shooting anyone she sees who DARES sit in the comfy coffeeshop chair that hubby used to sit in.

Charlie’s unimpressed. (My God he’s huge!)
My weekend was very lovely and enjoyable indeed. Among other things, I watched “The Man in the Iron Mask” and found surprisingly good. Maybe Leo DiCaprio CAN act after all? The only distraction was the spectrum of accents. Leo’s California King of France — his foppish English accented advisors (Dr. House? Izzat you?) — his French-accented Mistress and mother, etc etc. I have the Music Man at home now, which seems quite charming. Thanks to work people, my Netflix queue is growing.
Speaking of movie recommendations…assume you have a very nice friend who hasn’t seen many movies in her lifetime. So that she can fully participate in common cinematic conversations, which movies would you suggest she put into her Netflix queue? Difficulty: No Monty Python.
Hello! So, you need movie recommendations? Since I don’t know what you really go for in a movie, I have found some that are ones I enjoy. Hopefully you can find a few that peak your interest!
In no particular order…
Say Anything
You’ve Got Mail
Sleepless in Seattle
Much ado About Nothing
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Sensibility
Circle of Friends (the movie is decent, but the book is much better)
While You Were Sleeping
Galaxy Quest
The Italian Job
Singin’ in the Rain
The Transporter
Batman Begins
The Family Stone
Strictly Ballroom
Runaway Jury
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy – Extended Versions
I am going to leave it at that for the moment. I don’t want to look to much like a movie junky!
The Godfather (my favorite)
Mommie Dearest (almost up there with “Godfather”)
Primary Colors
Farhrenheit 9/11
Roger and Me
Bowling for Columbine
Santa Clause
Waiting For Guffman
Spinal Tap
Citizen Kane
What does “waiting for moderation” mean?
Means I have a bajillion spam filters in place, and someone will type something about a m0rtgage or ref1nancing or 0xycontin and it ends up in my 100+ long queue of true spam comments.
I go through them once a day, for the most part.
Ah…Casino did it. I get lots of fake comments linking to online Casinos. 🙂
I really liked Batman begins. The genre of comic-book hero in cinema is not for everybody, like semi-standardized production-line films, but Mr Nolan does the hero justice in a well thought-out and meticulously crafted film. There is no need for hesitation at the cinema, Batman Begins delivers.