WM is a huge fan of Indiana Jones. Submitted as evidence: Our costumes for Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party last October: I’ve dressed up often for Halloween, but I have never received such favorable reactions as I did with…
Welcome to the new digs!
New look, new domain name, new host (thanks to a dear friend!) and same boring content and ZERO ads* — who could ask for anything more? I have been slowly moving from ladygypsy to kimberussell as my online presence for…
It’s a lazy Saturday on Literary Lane, so I’m going to spend it troubleshooting . Time for stream of consciousness post! Things that are causing problems – and these are all on the backend: HTTP errors when uploading photos that…
Five years!
Today is my FIVE YEAR anniversary at TNP, which really isn’t The New Place at all anymore. Not so shabby for someone who thought she’d be fired before her first year was done. It’s a good place to work, and…
I didn’t vote for Donald Trump. It wasn’t just a party thing — I usually hop all over the place with voting* or a woman thing, although that would have been fantastic to see. I voted for the more experienced…
And I'm telling you, I'm not going
Turns out, when your dog dies, your heater/ac dies, your surviving dog is suddenly old, your country elects a misogynist whose party wants to roll back healthcare (esp for women) over a woman who was 10x more qualified, and your…