Another week in the book of Life. WM is still hobbled from the wicked fall he took at work, Ollie is still a Good Dog, and Murphy is still a Good Dog … in Training. I should be going outside…
NFL Draft Experience 2017
The NFL Draft Experience was in Philadelphia two weeks ago and was only a 20-minute walk away from TNP. Who knows when this could happen again, so on that Friday some of my coworkers and I took a walk to…
Friday 5: Over/Under
Happy Saturday! Listen, like one of those little capsules you put in a glass of water which grows into a large sponge dinosaur or a penis, Murphy has soaked up all of my spare time. By Friday nights, WM, Ollie,…
The one where Kim tries La Croix
After about 2 years of watching every other white woman rave about La Croix, I finally decided to take the leap. The excitement washed over me as I stood in the beverages aisle at Target, contemplating which of the dozens…
Lok’tar Dog-ar!
A short while ago we purchased the fleecy Horde throw from Blizzard’s Spring Clearance sale. It was originally $70 (!) but I think we ended up paying less than $20 for it. It’s very fluffy and I said that we…
Outdoor adventures
(rabbit rabbit!) Back before Murphy arrived, when our days looked like this… …we embarked on a few outside projects to make the house on Literary Lane sparkle. We purchased a powerwasher and WM washed the house. I did not realize…