Longtime readers know that Dad retired to Florida about 10 years ago. I went down last September after Fall Business Trip #1, and decided to take a quick 4-day spring break trip this year. I mean, how could I pass…
Work from home Mondays
TNP (which isn’t new anymore but I’m too lazy to change pseudonyms) instituted a new policy where we are able to pick one day a week to work from home. We could pick Monday, Thursday, or Friday, which allows us…
Will this tweet?
(resetting my Twitter auto-tweet thingamaroo, pay no attention)
Friday 5: Food Me Once; Food Me Twice
Hello, refreshed blog! Let’s do a Friday 5! Remember those? I do! This week’s topic is “Food Me Once; Food Me Twice.” Speaking of which, I’m going back and cleaning up categories and tags. So far I have 55 posts…
Reading catchup
Thanks to my 30-minute train commute each way and my lazy, lazy ass, I read 48 books in 2016. The longest book I read was Ron Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton. It was a nice cherry on top of my Hamilton-fixation sundae…
Date Night: Raiders of the Lost Ark Concert
WM is a huge fan of Indiana Jones. Submitted as evidence: Our costumes for Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party last October: I’ve dressed up often for Halloween, but I have never received such favorable reactions as I did with…