Oh, Internet. It’s been a week. A week of nonbloggable crap. It’ll get blogged eventually, but not yet. It’s not my story to tell. Plus I think the country is 1970s-level of broken right now, and I think it’s going…
NJ Renaissance Faire and my first zipline!
This weekend, WM and I headed north to Liberty Lake Day Camp in Bordentown to attend our third New Jersey Renaissance Faire. If you live anywhere in NJ and have yet to visit the New Jersey Renaissance Faire, please go…
Murphy and Ollie update
The dogs are doing well. Murphy is almost 20 lbs, thanks to a safe, cozy house and all of rocks that he eats. Seriously, we fish rocks out of his mouth every day. He’s a chewer and a barker —…
Friday 5: Tiny gestures
Happy Friday! This is my first Summer Friday of the year! At TNP we can have every other Friday off during the summer as long as we make up the extra hours in advance. It is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. This morning I…
Beach bum necklace
The older I get, the more Jersey pride I have. Maybe I’m trying to compensate for our size, our reputation, or our Governor. (Whom I voted for. Twice. Yeah.) In any case, I love my little Garden State. I even…
Adventures in hair color: Garnier Light Nude Brown
It to ANYONE that I dye my hair. People at work don’t even blink anymore when I swing from reddish to brownish to blondish. This is my dream hair at the moment. It’s a simple textured bob with some brown…