Today I’m 45 years old. It’s a milepost for me. When I turned 40 I believed I’d live past 80, but at 45 I don’t think I’ll make it to 90 so I am officially on the downward side of…
Currently, Labor Day weekend edition
At any given time, to reduce stress (and HOO BOY THIS SUMMER) I pick one of these three: eating, drinking alcohol or biting my nails. I’ll give you one guess as to which one I’ve been resorting to. One guess….
Friday 5 on Saturday: Five of Whatever
Happy, um, Saturday. I don’t know where yesterday went, other than after work WM and I went to Iron Hill Brewery for a lovely dinner. I had one beer (one!) and came home and snored on the sofa while we…
Seattle 2017
Our fifth anniversary was in July and we spent it sitting on a crosscountry flight on our way back from our second trip to Seattle. Not the best way to spend the day, but a great trip to mark the…
Total Eclipse of the Heart
In case you’ve been living under a rock, there was a total solar eclipse in North America yesterday. And while I wasn’t passionate enough to get myself into the path of totality, I wasn’t about to miss out on the…
Watching: SummerSlam. Right now it’s the match for the US Title, aka the Battle of the Boos featuring My Boo AJ Styles (so hot in a “come ride in my pickup truck” way) and My Boo Kevin Owens, who is…