I promised myself on my birthday that I would do more to make sure my neighbors (here in NJ and in the USA) can be safe, loved and warm. Here’s how I’m trying to do that in 2018. 1. I…
Winter continues to blow
Another tiny burst of snow, which will melt this afternoon and refreeze tonight and try to kill us all. I’m just feeling better from the fall I took down my own front steps last week. 131 days until Memorial Day.
Stupid sewing tricks
For Christmas, my mom hooked me up with a Singer sewing machine. I asked for one because I am not paying gobs of money for throw pillows and window treatments and cushions. Problem is, I haven’t sewn in a LONG…
Happy first birthday, Murphy!
Happy birthday, Murphy! Although he came to us in April, Murphy was born on January 15, 2017 in Missouri. Judging from his disdain of the dark, he likely spent his first months in a dark cage. He didn’t sell, so…
Our Adventureland bathroom
Once upon a time we had a lovely half-bathroom downstairs. And then we got a puppy! We decided that when we went to work we’d have him stay in the bathroom, because it was larger than a crate and he’d…
Show us your books: January 2018
Due to December craziness, I missed that month’s Show Us Your Books roundup and you know what? I actually missed writing up the summary. Go figure! My Goodreads goal for 2017 was 50 books…I only read 41. Womp womp. As…