Happy Saturday! I was going to write this last night but we watched the Olympics Opening Ceremonies instead. It was amazing and the five little kids who carried the artistic storyline were adorable! This weekend I have nothing planned but…
The Alma Mater
I mentioned before that WM is taking grad school classes — he’s going to my alma mater, Rowan University*. On Saturday, we took a trip to the University’s library so WM could take some books out for his term paper….
Currently: Super Bowl edition
Watching: The Super Bowl. I know. I’m not an Eagles fan, or really a football fan in general (I’m more a hockey/baseball person) but I am watching the hometown team VERY anxiously. For my family, my friends, my pretty city…
Friday 5: Groundhog Day
Happy Friday! I worked a full five-day workweek! Woooo! Go me and my white-collar self. I worked from home today with my snore of spaniels. I’ll be home Monday too. This work from home thing? Niiiiice. Yesterday at work we…
Home Alone
Have I mentioned that WM is in grad school at my old alma mater, Rowan? This semester he’s taking classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights, which means I fend for myself. What this night should have looked like: I leave…
Breathing love in and breathing love out
I’m still trucking along with my TRUE – 30 Days of Yoga program by Yoga With Adriene. As a sedentary human, it’s hard for me to commit to moving every day for a month. But I’m still here. And barring…