I knew this date was coming, but as of November 22, TNP has vacated our office in Philadelphia. It was inevitable, really, because we never went back to the office (I’d have been fine with a 3/2 split) and rent…
August: Personal and Work Goals
Rabbit rabbit! And just like that it’s August. I’ve been unmotivated to write (just unmotivated, period) and it has a lot to do with the narrative around childless women not having a stake in society. The predictable defense is “oh…
Friday 5: Twenty-four months
Hello and happy Friday. Wanna know what I did yesterday? I WENT TO THE OFFICE for the first time since my laptop was acting up in October! I took the train and sat in the mostly empty office and had…
Sunday 5: Let’s get physical
One of the myriad reasons I’m not a book deal blogger is because if someone tells me not to blog something, I don’t. Otherwise I’d have so many delightful stories. Suffice it to say there’s been a bit of a…
Drink and cry
Every now and then WM and I travel separately. Sometimes he goes to visit his family solo. Sometimes I travel for work. It’s how it goes and while we’re never apart for long, sometimes we are apart.I don’t know what…
I try not to touch on this stuff because it’s sad and really, do you want to be sad? I don’t want to be sad and I don’t want you to be sad. So if you don’t want to be…
Will you still need me, will you still feed me…
Dear 2003-era diary, What a week it’s been. I was sad because a coworker left. Then I was snubbed by someone. Pretty obviously, too. And then there was a presentation at work put on by our outgoing group of college…