Rabbit rabbit! And just like that it’s August. I’ve been unmotivated to write (just unmotivated, period) and it has a lot to do with the narrative around childless women not having a stake in society. The predictable defense is “oh…
Friday 5: Twenty-four months
Hello and happy Friday. Wanna know what I did yesterday? I WENT TO THE OFFICE for the first time since my laptop was acting up in October! I took the train and sat in the mostly empty office and had…
Sunday 5: Let’s get physical
One of the myriad reasons I’m not a book deal blogger is because if someone tells me not to blog something, I don’t. Otherwise I’d have so many delightful stories. Suffice it to say there’s been a bit of a…
Drink and cry
Every now and then WM and I travel separately. Sometimes he goes to visit his family solo. Sometimes I travel for work. It’s how it goes and while we’re never apart for long, sometimes we are apart.I don’t know what…
I try not to touch on this stuff because it’s sad and really, do you want to be sad? I don’t want to be sad and I don’t want you to be sad. So if you don’t want to be…
Will you still need me, will you still feed me…
Dear 2003-era diary, What a week it’s been. I was sad because a coworker left. Then I was snubbed by someone. Pretty obviously, too. And then there was a presentation at work put on by our outgoing group of college…