Once a week, I get to work from home. I’m thankful for that opportunity because it makes it so much easier to have someone out to fix the latest broken thing in the house, or to sneak in a doctor…
He will be three in January and I love him to pieces, even when he lounges in my shower to watch me pee.
As we work to bring the backyard back to life, Murphy spends his time stealing flowerpots.
Two dozen dog toys
And Murphy goes wild over my empty yogurt containers. (yes I monitor it, yes I take it away when it starts to splinter, yes it’s washed, yes I’ve had dogs a long time and have this part down, yes you…
The home office staff
I have the privilege of working from home one day a week, and being a former gamer with a former gamer’s large monitor makes it easy. But I couldn’t do it at all without my home office staff. This is…
Happy 2nd Birthday Murphy!
Two years ago today the skies grew dark over Hannibal, Missouri as this crazy knob entered the world. In two years he went from this: To this: Lin-Manuel Miranda said this about his dog Tobillo… 7 years ago we spent…
My dogs and this pillow
I bought the pillow to help decorate my spartan little apartment the year of my divorce. At the time you never could have convinced me all of the love that would eventually surround it. 2007 2016 2018
Ollie and Murphy: a quiet moment
(and a sliver of WM in the background)
Murphy: Downward facing dog
Murphy is allowed on sofas and beds, yet he loves lying on my yoga mat. One thing’s for sure — he has savasana down pat.
Murphy: A pet of his own
Not long ago I was in the yard doing crossword puzzles when I saw Murphy standing in the ivy, head in a bush, tail wagging. *wagwagwagwagwagwagwagwagwagwagwagwag* NOT a good sign. I crossed the yard. “Hey Murph! What’cha got there?” He…
Murphy: Seatfiller trainee
When one of us gets up from our office chairs, this is what we find when we return. If there is ever an awards show that has dogs in the audience, I have the perfect seatfiller for them!
Murphy’s 3 ring circus
(he should not be on this bed.)