From the PhoneCam! Christmas shopping Originally uploaded by ladygypsy. At the mall with mom & john. No idea what I’m getting anybody…4 days to go. Need…mountain…dew…
The house – again
From the PhoneCam! House again Originally uploaded by ladygypsy. Now with new “light-y” goodness on the side, plus an extra spiral tree, all courtesy of Baron VonPlaque.
Cookies! Night 1
Go! Shoo! CookieCam is live!
A post on Fark asked what we were thankful for on this day. Here’s my addition…. I’m thankful for my husband’s and family’s love. I’m thankful that my husband’s family members in Mississippi are still alive after Katrina’s wrath. I’m…
the biggest party night of the year!
And I’m baking a Pumpkin pie. I seriously don’t know what got into me. I usually just buy a pie from the nearest food store and am done with it. This time I used GoogleBase and found this recipe for… (domain taken)
halloween 2005 musings and photos
Happy Birthday Baron vonPlaque!
Yes, kids, it’s my long suffering and (somewhat) anonymous husband’s birthday!! Another birthday, another Betty Crocker chocolate cake, and another year of my annoyances. Happy birthday, dear heart, and thank you for being you. (birthday wishes for BvP below, please…)
Lazy Holiday Weekend
I’m sorry, Internet…I’ve nothing exhilirating to blog about. Baron vonPlaque is home visiting his family again, (with my brand new PlayStation Portable) and I’m left to putter about the house, working on computer networks, and the like. I turned down…
Hard eight
As per Mom’s wishes, this afternoon was spent at the Borgata. Again. (The gambling gene runs straight up my Mom’s branch of the family tree…we are unrepentant.) I had a twenty dollar bill to play with. I was going to…
I have a love/hate relationship with Valentine’s Day. I know it’s a celebration of love, in all of its sickness and glory. But more often than not, it falls during the workweek and is therefore pretty uneventful for working folk….
Happy Birthday Mom!
Last Swing Dance class: Basically, Thor and I went from knowing nothing about swing dancing to knowing some moves and sucking at them. S’okay…gives us an excuse to practice. 🙂 We switched computer desks today…basicallly because Thor now has TWO…
Dozy New Year
Yesterday was a belated Christmas gift – the temperature was almost 60 degrees! It was a perfect day. I eschewed all invitations in favor of the opportunity to sack out on the sofa, watch some TV, and play some games….