This year our town decided to go ahead with trick or treating, with caveats. They encouraged everyone to wear a mask, that trick or treating groups be limited to households, and that candy be given away at a decent distance….
October Extras 2020
Photos and thoughts from October that were a little thin for their own post. I ordered a letter board a few months back and although it is the pinnacle of late twenty-teens white lady decorating, I enjoy changing it at…
Our Office Annex
WM and I are both working from home, likely until the end of the world. We usually share the office. However, he teaches via Zoom all morning so if I have a morning meeting, I relocate to the upstairs “office…
The ballad of Brunhild
June, 2020: Me: I need to get the Brunhild (the older of our Jeeps) inspected.COVID: LOL!State of New Jersey: *Extends inspection deadline until December 31, 2020.* Two Weeks Ago: Me: Time to get Brunhild inspected!Brunhild: (dead)WM: *replaces battery* Friday: Me:…
What I’m listening to: Chillhop
This is a genre I had never heard of before the cursed year of 2020 when even the “Add Water” light on the coffeemaker is enough to kick me down an anxiety hole. Chillhop has been around for a few…
World of Warcraft: Lyotta is 40!
And she bought a sweet, skeletal ride! I’m enjoying my second tour through Classic WoW. It’s almost like living the “if you could go back in time knowing what you know now…what would you do differently?” trope. My first time…