WM’s schedule involves teaching his classes via Zoom in the morning and an asynchronous block of time in the afternoon where his classes are open for anyone who wants to drop in. (They don’t.) His mornings are spent in the…
Zoom Cooking Class!
Two weeks ago I broke out of my comfort zone and joined a Zoom cooking class. The teacher was Meredith Laurence, my favorite chef you’ve likely never heard of. She used to be a brand spokesperson on QVC but she’s…
Show Us Your Books November 2020
Someday, some intrepid scholar doing her PhD dissertation on blogs in the early 2000s will find my blog and others like it and be shocked. “With everything going on in 2020, people still chronicled the mundane details of life like…
What I’m Watching: A Simple Swedish Life
Since Schitt’$ Creek and The Good Place ended, I’m having a bit of a struggle getting into TV shows. Right now I crave light, warm, wholesome programming. If I’m going to cry, I need it to be because I’m choked…
Election Day 2020
It’s all come down to this day. I wrote and sent hundreds of postcards for downballot Democrats across the country. I donated money to political campaigns that I believed in. I texted with Victory 2020. The last wave of initial…
Halloween 2020
This year our town decided to go ahead with trick or treating, with caveats. They encouraged everyone to wear a mask, that trick or treating groups be limited to households, and that candy be given away at a decent distance….