Time is relentless, dragging you through the days and weeks just like nothing’s wrong. And just like that, it was Easter. On Friday and Saturday I did my usual Easter baking – two Easter breads and two ham pies. J&K…
Sad news
Thursday morning I received news from my father that my cousin had passed. He was only 2 years younger than me. And because he and his family lived in the Marshall Islands, I’m not sure when it’s going to seem…
March 2021 Extras
Here are some photos and thoughts from March that were a little thin for their own posts. Like others, I watched the saga of the Ever Given, the giant cargo ship that was stuck in the Suez Canal. After a…
Every Other Day of the Week is Fine, Yeah.
That was a fast-moving weekend. Sheesh. Saturday night our kitchen faucet sprung a leak. It has a retractable sprayer that pulls down from the faucet, and it was that flexible hose that began to spray water all over the place….
Friday 5: Obstacle Course
This week has completely flown. I feel like other than work, I have nothing to show for it. What have I done? Here’s a few trivial things: I moved my yoga practice to mornings instead of after work. I hate…
Pfizer COVID-19 VAX #2!
On Friday I received the 2nd of the 2 Pfizer vaccines, which means in 2 weeks I’ll be protected from serious illness/death and mostly protected from catching and transmitting the original strains and possibly substantially protected from the newer variants?…