To my dismay, the publishers of the blog template I had been using since 2017 ceased operations at the beginning of the year. I was going to stick with it for a while longer, but the site with all of…
Friday 5: Euphemisms for romance repurposed for food
Happy Friday, which is also World Sea Turtle Day, International Day of the African Child, and National Fudge Day! It is also my second Summer Friday of 2023. My standing plan to go to the shore was squashed by rain,…
Wordless Wednesday 2023 WK 24
Sleepy Tuesday
Here’s a little lunchtime blog for you! My colonoscopy prep began with a few tiny laxatives taken before bed last night. My biggest worry was being hangry all day but after a very early (4am) and …eventful… morning I really…
Friday 5: Themeless
Happy Friday, which is also National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day and National Donald Duck Day! I’m down with Donald Duck, but not so sure about the pie. This week I was in Atlantic City from Monday morning until Wednesday afternoon…